
Effective Ways to Fight Monday Blues to Get Motivated at the Start of the Week

Effective Ways to Fight Monday Blues to Get Motivated at the Start of the Week

Do you often feel lazy when Monday arrives? Relax, you are not alone! Many people feel the so-called 'Monday blues'. This phenomenon is generally experienced by employees who are faced with deadlines and heavy tasks on Mondays.

Just thinking about it makes you feel lazy, doesn't it? However, don't let Monday blues be an excuse to slack off or be unprepared for the day. Let's explore some methods to reduce laziness on Mondays. Remember, success always follows those who enthusiastically embrace each day. Here are some effective ways to overcome laziness on Mondays:

Effective Ways to Overcome Laziness on Mondays

1. Avoid Heavy Activities Over the Weekend

Lack of enthusiasm for work can be caused by exhaustion or lack of readiness for activities the next day. This might happen if you engage in heavy activities on Sunday, leaving you feeling like you didn't have enough time to rest before the workweek. Heavy activities could include playing, traveling, cleaning the house, or other energy-draining tasks. However, not all heavy activities lead to fatigue; some are enjoyable and keep you happy despite being tiring.

Therefore, it's important to manage your weekend time so that you're ready for Monday. Adjust according to your body's needs; if you're already tired from the workweek, it's better to use the weekend to rest or engage in light activities with family or socially flexible friends. Reduce unnecessary and exhausting activities so your body feels more prepared and refreshed for the next day.

2. Avoid Staying Up Late

Staying up late on Sunday night can disrupt your performance on Monday. Staying up late without a clear reason only drains your energy, reduces your body's rest time, and prevents your brain from resting properly. Sufficient sleep is key to having a productive Monday, allowing your body to function optimally and your mind to focus, ensuring smooth work throughout the day. Lack of sleep can negatively impact physical and mental performance at work, leading to bad moods, irritability, fatigue, and lack of focus.

Improve your sleep quality by creating a conducive environment, such as using aromatherapy candles or choosing a comfortable mattress and pillows. This helps you sleep more soundly, allowing your body to rest optimally. Staying up late also risks waking up later and increases the likelihood of being late for work, especially with online attendance applications waiting in the morning.

3. Psychological Fatigue

Fatigue doesn't just occur physically but can also be felt psychologically. Do you know the signs of psychological fatigue? Here are some indicators:

  • Feeling tired even after adequate rest
  • Overthinking and stress
  • Easily irritated
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Loss of motivation
  • Insomnia
  • Wanting to be alone all the time

Psychological fatigue can make you reluctant to start the day, especially on Mondays. Some causes of psychological fatigue include lifestyle, medical issues, and mental health problems. Lifestyle factors contributing to psychological fatigue include unhealthy eating, lack of physical activity, work fatigue, lack of sleep, and more. Medical issues can affect your psychological condition, but mental issues like anxiety and depression are the most dangerous.

If left untreated, these issues can lead to loss of zest for life and an inability to function well. It's better to address these issues, starting with basic changes like lifestyle and diet, choosing healthy foods like vegetables, fruits, and protein, exercising, and socializing.

Being more self-aware can help you understand changes within yourself, allowing you to identify triggers and address them appropriately. Psychological fatigue should not be ignored so you can live a more comfortable life.

4. Identify the Causes

Monday laziness can stem from yourself or external factors, such as workplace conditions. Someone who doesn't enjoy their job is likely to feel lazy when Monday comes, or there might be work agendas that feel burdensome. Don't ignore this feeling of laziness; try to find out the cause so you can find a solution. If you can't find the cause, at least you can prepare yourself to face it.

5. Prepare for Monday's Needs Earlier

Preparing all your work needs the night before Monday can help you be more prepared for the new day. With some things already prepared, your Monday can run more smoothly. Some things you can prepare at night include preparing ingredients for cooking so the next day you can cook, preparing presentation materials for meetings, and preparing the clothes you will wear.

This preparation for Monday's needs is important and should not be overlooked; it will actually provide extra energy to prepare yourself so that the next day you can be more relaxed and have more time for preparation. Do you also usually prepare things at night?

6. Meditate and Pray

Meditation can be tried to prepare yourself for Monday. This practice can make someone feel better and gain positive energy. For Muslims, a spiritual activity that helps them feel better is the Fajr prayer, where they can pray for the smoothness of the day.

Both meditation and worship have been proven to provide a calming effect for practitioners, as well as other benefits such as becoming more sincere in facing the day. Meditation and prayer provide benefits for the mind and mental state, avoiding negative aura or mental burdens.

7. Set Motivation

If you feel lazy facing Monday, maybe you have forgotten the work motivation you previously had. Motivation greatly influences the enthusiasm to face the day. Start reorganizing your motivation so you have a reason to keep fighting. Motivation is personal and is possessed by many people; find your motivation to keep fighting in facing the day. A person without life or work motivation tends to be lazy to face the day because they lack purpose. Let's reset our enthusiasm and motivation starting now!


Sometimes in life, we feel lazy and unmotivated, but as individuals living our days, we must take action to overcome this laziness so it doesn't continue. If we live in laziness, what about our work?

Andre Yulianto

Andre Yulianto

How puzzling all these changes are! I'm never sure what I'm going to turn into a tidy little room.