Easy Steps to Register Pertamina Barcode on MyPertamina

Easy Steps to Register Pertamina Barcode on MyPertamina

Fuel purchasing methods are increasingly modern. In order not to miss any information, it is important for you to know how to register a Pertamina barcode. Following are the steps

Now, there is a new method for purchasing fuel from PT Pertamina, namely through the Pertamina barcode. For those who regularly use fuel from this state-owned company, it is important to know the procedure for registering the Pertamina barcode.

The implementation of the Pertamina barcode started on June 1, 2023. This barcode is used for purchasing subsidized fuel, such as Pertalite and Solar, at all Pertamina gas stations. The presence of this barcode aims to ensure a more targeted distribution of subsidized fuel.

Subsidized fuel has a significant impact on the government budget. Therefore, the government must carefully regulate the distribution of subsidized fuel to ensure effectiveness and efficiency, as well as maintain financial stability.

For now, the use of the barcode is only applicable to four-wheeled vehicles. The Pertamina barcode is not only for purchasing subsidized Pertalite and Solar fuel but can also be used to buy various other products at Pertamina gas stations, including vehicle supplies, food, beverages, and various products available at the gas station stores.

How to Register for the Pertamina Barcode


Now is the right time to register and get your Pertamina barcode.

Prepare the following documents:

  • Photos of the vehicle registration certificate (STNK) front and back
  • Photo of the vehicle owner's ID card (KTP)
  • Photos of the vehicle from the front, back, and one side showing the wheels
  • Photo of the vehicle license plate number

Follow these steps:

  1. Visit the MyPertamina website: https://subsiditepat.mypertamina.id/
  2. Check the box stating ?understand the terms?
  3. Click the ?Register now? button
  4. Complete the registration form according to the given instructions
  5. Wait for the data matching process for up to 14 working days through the registered email
  6. Check the registration status regularly on the MyPertamina website

After confirmation, you will receive the Pertamina barcode or QR code, which can be downloaded and used for transactions at Pertamina gas stations.

How to Use the Pertamina Barcode


After obtaining the Pertamina barcode, you can purchase subsidized Pertalite and Solar fuel at Pertamina gas stations. Here are the steps:

  1. Prepare the barcode or QR Code obtained from MyPertamina and downloaded to your phone.
  2. Before refueling with subsidized fuel, show the Pertamina barcode to the gas station attendant.
  3. The attendant will scan the barcode and verify the transaction automatically.
  4. The attendant will fill your vehicle with subsidized Pertalite or Solar fuel.
  5. After refueling is complete, you can pay in cash or non-cash (using a credit or debit card).

Using a barcode for subsidized fuel transactions makes it easier for buyers, so you don?t have to worry if you don?t bring cash. With the Pertamina barcode, transactions can be carried out and your vehicle remains fueled.

A wise vehicle owner will choose the best type of fuel for their car. To avoid mistakes, choose fuel that matches the engine compression level to keep engine components durable.

To maintain vehicle engine performance, regular car maintenance is important. Make sure to take your car to the workshop for routine service.

Andre Yulianto

Andre Yulianto

How puzzling all these changes are! I'm never sure what I'm going to turn into a tidy little room.