SunGard lights up services group

SUNGARD INTRODUCED SUNGARD Availability Services on Monday, a new services group that combines technology from Comdisco’s Availability Solutions Assets with SunGard’s Business Continuity and Internet Services group. The new group will provide customers with a full spectrum of uninterrupted access…

Inktomi, Fujitsu align to speed content delivery

FOSTER CITY, CALIF.-BASED Inktomi on Monday announced an OEM deal with Fujitsu to develop Internet server appliances designed to boost the flow of content across distributed networks. Under the deal, Tokyo-based Fujitsu has embedded Inktomi’s Traffic Server network cache and…

Microsoft ushers Office XP into Web services world

Toolkit targets desktop, platform ambitions MICROSOFT ON MONDAY will execute one of its first attempts to harness the desktop as a strategic element of its Web services platform with the delivery of its Office XP Web Services Toolkit. The new…

Magic upgrades e-commerce framework

MAGIC SOFTWARE ENTERPRISE on Monday announced Magic eMerchant Version 2, the latest version of the company’s e-commerce framework. The product is positioned as a customizable framework to enable businesses to expand to the Web. Featuring integration with back-end and legacy…

E-business 2002

Some tips on how to help your company save money by getting more bang for your online buck I DIDN’T DO a lot of mall shopping this holiday season, but I heard there were lots of bargains to be had.…

Tapping the source

In the open-source world, it helps to know where to look for answers, and the Internet holds many I RECEIVE A considerable amount of e-mail; many ask in one form or another, “Where do I go from here?” So, for…

Bride of UCITAstein

A draft committee has proposed some changes, but the old, ugly UCITA still lurks below the surface I GUESS I’D LIKEN the recently proposed changes to UCITA (Uniform Computer Information Transaction Act) to putting a bit of makeup on Frankenstein…

Hitch in the giddyup

Web services are spurring the rejuvenation of legacy systems that the e-business stampede left in the dust OVER THE MOUNTAIN of the next e-frontier, competitive advantage will be won by faster time to market, enhanced functionality, and successfully integrating the…