Jini-like discovery for RMI

Jini-like discovery for RMI

Take advantage of Jini’s discovery mechanism for RMI development If you follow Jini developments, you know that Jini clients don’t need to know where a service is located; they simply use the discovery mechanism to obtain a proxy to the…

Connect the enterprise with the JCA, Part 1

A look at the J2EE Connector Architecture The EAI (enterprise application integration) product category has grown significantly over the last 10 years. EAI eases the integration of disparate enterprise information systems (EIS). Although products such as Tibco and Vitria targeting…

Just don’t call J# Java

J#, Microsoft’s newest language for the .Net platform, easily moves Visual J++ applications to .Net A great many Java developers considered Microsoft’s Visual J++ to be the most productive Java IDE (integrated development environment) on the market. The settlement of…

Java Tip 120: Execute self-extracting JARs

Create easy-to-use, cross-platform Java Archives For many years, Phil Katz’s archive creation, zip, has been one of the most popular file archiving formats. Sun has adopted the zip format as the basis for the Java Archive (JAR). Sun has extended…

Practice makes perfect

Practice makes perfect

Experience is often your best defense against Java pitfalls This month’s article focuses on hard-won experience: both my experience and the experiences of this column’s readers. Many new Java developers fall into traps simply because they lack familiarity with the…

Java Product News (updated November 16, 2001)

Popkin’s System Architect 8.5 now available; Phaos toolkit scouts out digital certificates; Atinav launches embedded development platform; and more Borland releases J2EE platform November 16 — The Borland Software Platform for J2EE (Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition) includes Borland Enterprise…

Can ThreadLocal solve the double-checked locking problem?

ThreadLocal appears to fix the thread-safety issues behind double-checked locking In my previous article “Double-Checked Locking: Clever, but Broken,” I looked at some of the problems with double-checked locking (DCL), an idiom recommended by a number of Java books and…

SAP signs up for Java camp

ERP vendor makes Java coequal with the company’s legacy ABAP programming language November 6, 2001 — ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) applications vendor SAP on Tuesday endorsed the Java programming language in a big way, making it an equal partner with…

J2SE 1.4 premieres Java’s assertion capabilities, Part 1

Understand the mechanics of Java’s new assertion facility Assertions have been in the software engineering canon for many years, most notably as the centerpiece of the Design by Contract facility that Bertrand Meyer built into his Eiffel programming language. Assertions…

Subscribe now for rapid prototyping

Subscribe now for rapid prototyping

The Publisher-Subscriber pattern reduces object dependencies for flexible UI design Frequent requirement changes during a software development cycle can often lead to disruption and anxiety. Software team members scramble to update their API to accommodate new requirements. As a solution,…