ramps up

Not content with just Web-based CRM and SFA (sales-force automation) applications, within five years hopes to offer the full gamut of office applications via a hosted paradigm, including ERP systems. The company this month is detailing the availability of…

Customer-centric CRM

The prospect of implementing a CRM solution evokes in the mind of many CTOs a disturbing vision of prolonged struggles to assimilate back-office applications, along with the uncomfortable feeling that, despite the efforts, achieving the ultimate objectives of better customer…


A towering decision

For Tower Records, the question was whether to develop or outsource a better search engine WHEN KEVIN ERTELL went looking for a better navigation and search tool for, he faced a question familiar to every chief technologist: Build or…


Networking CTOs lead the way

Increasing numbers of corporate CTOs are trading in dreams of building the perfect, internal NOC (network operations center) for more pragmatic outsourcing plans. Devoting precious funds into advanced networking capabilities has become a luxury many enterprise officials feel they can…

Rules engines get power users running

Once the exclusive domain of developers, the rules management arena may soon be opened to business users via emerging technology designed to allow nontechies to change business rules without altering code or waiting for a new application release. Vendors are…

Check the fine print

Language contained in Microsoft’s Product Use Rights document raises concerns about security issues and privacy BILL GATES SAYS security is Microsoft’s top priority, but just whose security does he have in mind? Consider some of Microsoft’s recent boilerplate legalese —…

Games people play

Does bringing game shows to your cell phone make wireless carriers savvy or just plain desperate? See correction below IF SCOFFING AT someone else’s pedestrian taste makes you feel better, then read this column. I myself am trying mightily to…

Virtual virtuosity

Advances in Unix-and Intel-based server virtualization take aim at the overblown costs of server hardware MAINFRAME AND high-end Unix server administrators have long relied on the ability to logically partition systems in order to distribute application workloads and make efficient…

Changing the rules

Blaze Advisor 4.0 and other rules engines give business users a direct hand in rules management DEFINING, IMPLEMENTING, AND maintaining business rules in the enterprise typically is left up to developers and database administrators, who include such rules in software…