
Finding a niche

Gruvo’s CTO uses animation and live chat to grab eyeballs in the auction marketplace WHEN IT COMES to online auctions, eBay is certainly the 800-pound gorilla: a large, wide-reaching, and instantly recognizable name. But Marie Patel had a growing feeling…

Priced to sell … to you

Tapping into reams of rich CRM data, companies are turning to technology to quickly optimize prices for individual customers “HOW MUCH DOES it cost? For you?” If you’ve ever heard these words at the corner store, you’ve experienced CRM-driven price…

Self-service CRM

Self-service technologies are becoming a mainstream part of the CRM mix, thanks to advances in natural language processing, voice recognition, and knowledge engines. In particular, so-called “self-learning” systems based on hybrids of statistical and rules-based techniques have improved results while…

CRM price optimization

Price optimization gives companies a way to apply analytics to existing CRM data to improve profitability. Companies can create prices on the fly, based on customers’ past buying history and the profitability of the product or service. Successful CRM price…

Sun rises on Java Web services

What Sun Microsystems’ Java WSDP (Web Services Developer Pack), Early Access Release 1, shares in common with IBM’s Web Services Toolkit is that neither is ready for production use. But developers who examine WSDP now will soon find themselves a…

Head in the clouds

Sun’s failure to participate in the WS-I does little to instill confidence in Web services interoperability INTEROPERABILITY HAS been the ruin of many an enterprise endeavor, and the bane of existence for most IT professionals during the years. For Web…

CTO Demo 2002 road trip

A CTO finds some interesting offerings at the Demo conference I ADMIT IT — I went to last week’s Demo 2002 conference with low expectations of what I would find. What with our dour economy and frequent media stories about…

Class System, making copies

Use the System class to copy parts of an array February 15, 2002 Q: This question seems easy, but nonetheless I have no idea how to do it. I have a byte array: a[100] . Is there a simple way…

Transaction and redelivery in JMS

Transaction and redelivery in JMS

Make the right transaction decision for your message delivery Architecting and designing applications with the Java Message Service (JMS) requires not only knowing how to use the JMS API, but also having a solid foundation of its concepts. This article…

Mix protocols transparently in Web applications

Implement HTTP and HTTPS in a safe, flexible, and easily maintainable manner Many Web applications, especially those deployed for e-commerce, necessitate the transmission of sensitive data between the Web server and the client browser. This data could include passwords, credit…