
Why do electric car license plates have a blue strip? Check out the reasons

Why do electric car license plates have a blue strip? Check out the reasons

Electric car number plates are different from conventional cars. This difference is especially visible in the blue line at the bottom of the number plate, which aims to facilitate identification by police officers. The main reason for this difference is to provide some privileges to electric car users, such as immunity from the odd-even rule.

### Electric Car License Plates


Electric cars have been a growing trend since their introduction. You may have noticed an increasing number of electric cars on the roads. These vehicles are unique not only because of their sustainable power source but also due to their distinctive visual feature: the license plates, which are different from those of conventional cars.

The difference between electric cars and fossil fuel-powered cars is not limited to their energy source. Electric vehicle license plates have specific characteristics that set them apart from others.

For gasoline or hybrid cars, the license plates typically feature two colors. However, electric car license plates are marked with a blue stripe at the bottom, giving them a unique and prominent identity.

This blue stripe on the license plate is exclusively used for vehicles that fully operate on electricity and batteries. The policy of using special license plates for electric cars has been implemented since 2020, marking a new era in identifying more environmentally friendly vehicles.

Reasons for Differentiating Electric Car License Plates from Conventional Cars

You might wonder why electric vehicle license plates are different from conventional vehicles. The reason behind this difference is quite significant.

Special license plates for electric vehicles are designed to facilitate identification by traffic officers and related authorities. According to Jakarta Governor Regulation Number 88 of 2019, electric vehicles are exempt from the odd-even traffic rule, allowing them to operate every day without restrictions.

Furthermore, these blue-striped plates facilitate the electronic traffic law enforcement (E-TLE) system in identifying and handling violations committed by electric vehicles.

The choice of blue for electric vehicle plates is a recommendation from the National Police Traffic Corps (Korlantas Polri), which aligns with the government?s "Blue Sky" initiative. This initiative is part of broader efforts to reduce global warming.

The use of special plates also shows support for the government's Acceleration Program for Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV) Use, a significant step towards a more sustainable future in transportation.

Types of Electric Car License Plates


Like conventional cars, electric vehicle license plates also have several categories. The regulations on the colors of license plates for electric vehicles are outlined in Indonesian National Police Regulation Number 7 of 2021, Article 45, Paragraph 2. Here are the categories of electric vehicle license plates in Indonesia:

  • **White Plate with Blue Stripe**: This category is for electric vehicles undergoing testing that have a Vehicle Testing Certificate (STCK).
  • **Black Plate with Blue Stripe**: This category is for privately-owned electric vehicles.
  • **Green Plate with Blue Stripe**: This category is for electric vehicles operating in free trade zones, such as Batam. These vehicles enjoy duty-free privileges but cannot be operated outside the designated zones in Indonesia.
  • **Yellow Plate with Blue Stripe**: This category is for public transportation vehicles powered by electricity, including electric taxis and other types of public transport.
  • **Red Plate with Blue Stripe**: This category is for electric vehicles owned by the government.

How to Obtain an Electric Car License Plate

If you plan to buy an electric car, here?s how to get the vehicle registration number (TNKB):

  1. Submit an application at the SAMSAT office or through online services.
  2. Prepare valid identification documents.
  3. For obtaining a new electric car license plate, prepare the following documents:
    • Vehicle Registration Certificate (STNK)
    • Vehicle Ownership Book (BPKB)
    • Proof of payment of vehicle tax
    • Certificate from the electric car dealer or distributor
  4. For replacing an old electric car license plate with a new one, prepare the following documents:
    • STNK
    • BPKB
    • Proof of payment of vehicle tax
    • Application letter for replacement of the electric car license plate

The cost of making an electric car license plate is Rp100,000. If you want a custom plate number, you need to prepare additional fees ranging from Rp5 million to Rp20 million.


Different types of cars have different types of plates and different maintenance needs. To keep your car in top condition, make sure to take it to the workshop regularly.

Andre Yulianto

Andre Yulianto

How puzzling all these changes are! I'm never sure what I'm going to turn into a tidy little room.