
Types of Endings in Short Stories

Types of Endings in Short Stories

In this article, we'll explore several types of short story endings, from twist endings to open endings, and help you choose the best one for your story.

You're a writer, but you're also an explorer. You crave the sensation of discovering new worlds, new characters, and new stories. And just like any great explorer, you know that the journey is as important as the destination.

That's why you're always seeking new ways to tell your stories, new ways to keep your readers engaged until the very end. And that's where the ending of the story comes in.

The ending is your journey's goal, the long-awaited destination for your readers. But just like any other great destination, there are many different paths you can take to get there.

In this article, we'll explore some types of endings for short stories, ranging from twist endings to open endings, and help you choose the best one for your story.

So grab your compass and let's get started!

Key Points

  • A good ending is crucial in a short story, and the type of ending chosen depends on the theme and tone of the story.
  • Balancing closure and ambiguity is important to captivate readers, and too much closure can feel forced and unsatisfying in abstract or open-ended stories.
  • The emotional impact of the story should be considered when deciding how much closure to provide, and creating a twist can shake readers and change their interpretation of the story.
  • Crafting a memorable ending requires a combination of clear imagery and unexpected changes, such as using revelations to create surprise and make the ending more impactful.

Twist Ending

Get ready for a stunning ending as we dive into the world of twisted endings. A twist ending is an unexpected and surprising conclusion to a story that changes the reader's perception of the overall narrative.

Examples of twist endings in literature include "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson and "The Cask of Amontillado" by Edgar Allan Poe. In "The Lottery," the twist ending reveals that the town's annual lottery is actually a ritual sacrifice, while in "The Cask of Amontillado," the twist ending shows that the narrator has been leading his victim to his death all along.

The impact of a twist ending on character development can be significant. A sudden shift in the story can force characters to confront their beliefs and actions, leading to a deeper understanding of themselves and others.

Twist endings can also challenge readers' assumptions about characters and their motivations, forcing them to reevaluate their own perspectives. In short, twist endings can add layers of complexity and depth to a story that are both entertaining and thought-provoking.

Straightforward Resolution

By concluding the plot clearly and directly, a straightforward resolution leaves little room for interpretation and emphasizes closure for the reader. This type of ending is best used when readers need emotional satisfaction and closure. It ties up loose ends and provides a sense of finality to the story.

One advantage of a straightforward resolution is providing a clear understanding to the readers of what happened and why. Endings like this are suitable for plot-driven stories with a clear resolution. However, such endings can also be deceiving as they can be predictable and less innovative.

It is important to use such endings if they fit the story and the emotional needs of the readers. Its impact on the readers can be significant as it provides emotional closure and satisfaction.

Ambiguous Ending

The beauty of an ambiguous ending lies in its ability to leave readers wondering, like a puzzle waiting to be solved. It is a powerful tool used by writers to create an open-ended conclusion that sparks the imagination of the reader.

Exploring different interpretations of an ambiguous ending can be an engaging journey that allows readers to analyze the impact if the story remains unresolved.

The beauty of an ambiguous ending is that it can have different meanings for different people. It provides room for interpretation, and each reader can derive their own meaning from it. Such endings may be frustrating for some, but for others, it is the perfect way to end a story.

It allows readers to think and reflect, to find their own solutions to the puzzle. Ambiguous endings act as a window into the minds of readers, revealing their thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. It is a powerful tool that can leave a lasting impact on readers long after they finish the story.

Open Ending

So, you've learned about open endings in short stories. It's the type of ending that leaves you puzzled, wondering what happens next. This ambiguity defines an open ending, usually marked by a lack of closure or resolution.

Some famous short stories that employ such endings include "The Lady, or the Tiger?" by Frank R. Stockton and "The Necklace" by Guy de Maupassant.

But what is the influence of such endings on the readers? We'll investigate that as well.

Definition And Characteristics

Exploring the various ways to end a short story is like exploring the depths of a vast ocean. Each type of ending has its own unique definition and characteristics, and understanding them is key to producing a satisfying conclusion.

One such type of ending is the open ending, which leaves the reader feeling ambiguous and invites them to draw their own conclusions. An open ending is characterized by a lack of closure. Unlike other types of endings that provide a clear resolution, an open ending leaves the story open to interpretation.

This can be achieved through deliberate ambiguity or by leaving things unresolved. The narrative structure of an open ending often tends to be non-linear, with the story jumping around in time or between different perspectives.

The emotional impact of an open ending can be very strong, as it allows readers to connect with the story on a deeper level by engaging their imagination and letting them draw their own conclusions.

Examples From Famous Short Stories

Delving into the ocean of short story conclusions is like navigating a labyrinth. One example of an open ending can be found in "Hills Like White Elephants" by Ernest Hemingway. The story follows a couple sitting at a train station and discussing whether to have an abortion or not. The story ends without revealing the couple's decision, leaving the reader to interpret the implications of their conversation.

If we examine the symbolism in the story, the "white elephant" symbolizes unwanted pregnancy, while the hills represent the obstacles and challenges that accompany it. Hemingway's use of an open ending allows the reader to imagine what happens next, making it a powerful tool for evoking emotions. The lack of closure makes the reader feel uncertainty, empathy, and even frustration.

Furthermore, tracing the character development in the story reveals that the couple's conversation reveals their true feelings and desires, without explicitly stating them. Hemingway's use of dialogue and actions creates a sense of intimacy between the reader and the characters, making the ending more impactful.

Analysis of Its Impact on Readers

When you read a short story with an open ending, the emotional impact can be significant. When the story ends without closure, you may feel uncertainty and empathy towards the characters. The lack of a definitive conclusion allows you to imagine the implications of their actions and decisions, and this ambiguity can be both frustrating and beneficial.

The impact of an open ending on the reader's interpretation is significant because it encourages you to actively engage with the story and fill in the gaps with your own imagination. This creative interpretation can be a powerful tool for innovation, as it allows you to explore new ideas and possibilities.

Ultimately, the impact of an open ending on readers is unique and personal, depending on your own experiences and perspectives.

Choosing the Best Ending for Your Story

So, you've written a great short story but now you're unsure how to end it. Choosing the best ending can be tricky, but there are some things to keep in mind.

First, consider the theme and tone of your story and ensure the ending reflects that.

Second, balance closure and ambiguity to keep your readers satisfied but also intrigued.

And finally, use the following tips to create a memorable ending that will leave a lasting impact on your readers.

Considering Theme And Tone

In exploring various types of endings for short stories, it's important to remember the theme and tone of the story, much like a chef considers the flavor profile of a dish before adding the finishing touches. The ending you choose should be consistent with the mood and message of the story, as well as leave a deep impression on the reader.

By considering the theme and tone, you can ensure that your ending is both satisfying and memorable. The impact of choosing the right ending can be significant for readers. A well-crafted ending can leave readers feeling satisfied, reflective, or even emotional. Conversely, an ending executed poorly can leave readers feeling disappointed or confused.

As a writer, it's important to consider your intent when choosing the ending of a story. Your intent can guide the direction of the story and help you choose an ending that will convey the right message to your audience. By considering the theme and tone of the story, as well as your intent as a writer, you can create a strong and impactful ending that will resonate with your readers.

Balancing Closure And Ambiguity

To truly captivate your readers, you must strike a balance between providing closure and leaving enough ambiguity at the end to keep them thinking about your story long after they've finished reading it.

The emotional impact of your story is crucial to consider when deciding how much closure to provide. If your story is highly intense or emotional, your readers may need a more concrete ending to feel satisfied. However, if your story is more abstract or open-ended, providing too much closure may feel forced and unsatisfying.

Reader interpretation is also an important factor to consider when exploring the balance between closure and ambiguity in the ending of a short story. While it's important to provide enough closure for readers to understand the main events of your story, leaving room for interpretation can enhance the reading experience.

Allowing your readers to draw their own conclusions and connections can create a more engaging and thought-provoking story. Ultimately, finding the right balance between closure and ambiguity can be a challenging but rewarding task that can elevate your short story to the next level.

Tips for Creating a Memorable Ending

Crafting a memorable ending to your story requires immersing your readers in a vivid sensory experience and leaving a lasting impression on their minds. To do this, you need to create closure while also making an emotional impact. Here are two lists of points that can help you achieve this:

  • Use vivid imagery: Paint a picture in your readers' minds with words that evoke the senses. Think about the smells, sounds, and textures you want to convey. Use descriptive language to create scenes that can be visualized by your readers. For example, if your story is set in a forest, describe the rustling of leaves, the scent of pine, and the dampness of the earth beneath their feet.
  • Create surprises: Create unexpected events that will shock your readers. This twist should be something that changes the reader's interpretation of the story, or even the entire plot. For example, you can end the story by revealing that the protagonist is actually the antagonist. This will evoke shock and make the ending more impactful.

By following these tips, you can create an ending to your story that will stick with your readers long after they've finished reading it. Remember to balance closure with emotional impact, and use vivid imagery and clear twists to create a lasting impression.


So, after exploring various types of endings for short stories, it's now time to choose the best one for your own story. Will you choose a twisted ending, leaving your readers gaping and their minds mesmerized

Or will you opt for a straightforward resolution, giving your characters the closure they deserve Maybe you'll choose an ambiguous ending, letting the readers interpret what happens next.

Andre Yulianto

Andre Yulianto

How puzzling all these changes are! I'm never sure what I'm going to turn into a tidy little room.