
This is the cause of car brakes failing and how to deal with it

This is the cause of car brakes failing and how to deal with it

In general, vehicles with powerful engines must be supported by a reliable braking system. However, this does not guarantee that the vehicle will avoid the problem of brakes not working. Various factors can cause brake failure, such as hydraulic oil leaks, damage to the brake master, and vapor lock.


Every vehicle owner recognizes that brakes are the most crucial safety system in a vehicle.

Generally, a powerful engine must be supported by a reliable braking system. However, this does not guarantee that the vehicle will be free from brake malfunction issues.

Various factors can cause brake failure, such as hydraulic fluid leaks, damage to the master brake cylinder, or vapor lock.

Driving a car or motorcycle with a problematic brake system is very dangerous as it increases the risk of accidents.

Causes of Brake Failure

Some common causes of brake failure include:

Brake Fade

Brake fade occurs when the brake pads can no longer provide sufficient friction to stop the vehicle, usually due to excessively high temperatures in the braking system. This often happens when driving downhill with a heavy load, causing the brake pad material to melt and lose its functionality.

Master Brake Cylinder Damage

Frequent vehicle use can lead to damage to the master brake cylinder, potentially causing brake failure. If the brake pedal feels easier to press than usual, this could be a sign of serious damage requiring inspection by a professional mechanic.

Vapor Lock

Brake fluid can boil and vaporize due to the high temperatures from the braking system, exceeding its tolerance limits. This results in gas or air bubbles in the system, known as vapor lock, which can make the brake pedal feel locked when pressed.

Symptoms of Brake Failure


Some symptoms of brake failure include:

Squeaking Sound

Worn components like brake pads often cause brake failure. Wear occurs when the brake pads thin out, causing friction between the brake disc and the thin brake surface.

Vibrating Brakes

Brake vibrations can occur if the brake shoes harden or become contaminated with oil. Oil left on the brakes can lead to brake failure. Vibrations can also be caused by uneven brake discs, reducing brake effectiveness during hard work.

Light Brake Pedal

This occurs when brake fluid drastically decreases. As a result, the brake pedal feels lighter because the brake fluid cannot transmit pressure to the brake pads. This condition is often referred to as a leak or air buildup in the braking system.

Preventive Measures Against Brake Failure

To prevent brake failure, you need to take several preventive steps:

Regularly Check and Replace Brake Fluid

Maintain vehicle performance by regularly checking the brake fluid. Ensure that the fluid level in the master brake cylinder is within normal limits, clean, and not contaminated.

It is also recommended to replace brake fluid every 24,000 km or every two years, depending on standard vehicle usage.

Use Official Spare Parts

Using official spare parts is a crucial aspect that should not be overlooked. Official brake pads are specifically designed for your vehicle model, ensuring maximum durability.

Additionally, official brake fluid has been tested to withstand high temperatures during braking.

Driving Habits and Brake Pad Maintenance

When driving, avoid the habit of pressing the gas and brake simultaneously for extended periods.

This can cause the brake pads to wear out quickly. Regularly clean the brake pads with a wire brush and special brake cleaner to avoid dust and dirt buildup.

How to Maintain Your Car's Brakes

The most important step to prevent brake failure is to routinely maintain the braking system. This includes checking the brake pads, ensuring the master brake cylinder functions properly, and checking the brake fluid level.

These inspections are crucial, especially if you plan to travel long distances through hilly areas.

You can also learn alternative braking techniques, such as engine braking, which effectively reduces brake usage, especially when driving downhill.

Equally important, make sure to regularly service your vehicle at an authorized workshop.

Andre Yulianto

Andre Yulianto

How puzzling all these changes are! I'm never sure what I'm going to turn into a tidy little room.