
How to Use Face ID on More than One Face on iOS 12

How to Use Face ID on More than One Face on iOS 12

The iOS 12 update comes with an interesting feature that lets you add alternative faces to your smartphone. Once registered and activated, both faces can be used to access your phone. If you want to share your phone with someone close to you, use this feature.

The iOS 12 update comes with an interesting feature that allows you to add an alternative face to your smartphone. Once registered and activated, both faces can be used to access your phone. If you want to share your phone with someone close to you, use this feature. Keep reading to learn more about how you can add multiple faces to Face ID and share your phone with them.

Follow the steps below to register two faces in iOS 12:

1. Open Face ID & Passcode

  • From the Home Screen, open Settings
  • Tap on Face ID & Passcode to open the page

2. Set Passcode

Ensure that the Enable Passcode option on the Face ID & Passcode screen is enabled

Your device will prompt you to enter a Passcode; you will be asked to enter it again. You can also use a new Passcode to change the Apple ID from the iPhone you are using. However, this is just an option, not a mandatory step.

If you don't add a Passcode to your phone, you won't be able to complete the process of adding Face ID to your phone. The device uses this as a backup when it sometimes can't detect your face.

Once the Passcode is set, the device will return to the Face ID & Passcode window.

3. Register the First Face ID

On the Face ID & Passcode page, tap Set Up Face ID to start the process of registering the first face on your device.

Move your face within the circle as you look at the screen. Once the process is complete, tap Done when prompted. This will bring you back to the Face ID & Passcode window.

The phone now grants access to the registered face(s) within it.

4. Register the Second Face ID to use Multiple Face IDs in iOS 12

  • On the Face ID & Passcode window, tap Set Up an Alternative Appearance. The process needs to be repeated just like you did when registering for the first face. Once the face is registered, you can tap Done. You will now be brought back to the Face ID & Passcode window.
  • Your iPhone now has two registered faces.
  • The second person who has registered their face on the iPhone can also use the Face ID feature to unlock the phone.

You can now exit the Settings screen and try unlocking the phone to check if the feature works accurately. If you want to remove the second Face ID registered on your phone, you cannot do so. You need to tap Reset Face ID which will remove both faces registered on the device. You can now follow the above process to set up a new Face ID for your phone once again? Skip to step -4 to add just one iOS 12 Face ID.

Andre Yulianto

Andre Yulianto

How puzzling all these changes are! I'm never sure what I'm going to turn into a tidy little room.