
Common Short Story Plot Types You Should Know

Common Short Story Plot Types You Should Know

In this article, you will find some of the most common types of short story plots that you should know about. From the classic plot of 'Man vs. Nature' to exciting 'Mystery and Suspense' plots, each type of plot has its own unique characteristics that will help you create memorable stories.

Are you ready to take your short story writing to the next level? One way to do so is by understanding the common types of plots used repeatedly. Knowing these plots can help you craft both familiar and unique stories as you apply proven formulas.

In this article, you'll discover some of the most common types of short story plots that you should be aware of. From the classic 'Man vs. Nature' plot to the intriguing 'Mystery and Suspense' plot, each type of plot has its own unique characteristics that will help you create memorable stories.

So whether you're an experienced writer looking to hone your skills or a beginner just starting out, keep reading to learn more about the various types of short story plots you can use in your writing.

Key Points

  • Understanding common types of short story plots can help writers craft unique stories.
  • The Man vs. Nature plot involves someone struggling against natural disasters and survival challenges, often alone and relying on their own skills and instincts.
  • The Man vs. Society plot pits the protagonist against oppressive societal structures and norms, creating conflict and tension in the plot.
  • The Coming of Age plot follows the protagonist's journey toward maturity and personal growth, including overcoming personal obstacles, facing fears and doubts, and learning to trust their intuition.

Man vs. Nature Plot

If you enjoy stories where someone battles the forces of nature, you'll love the 'Man vs. Nature' plot! This type of story typically involves survival challenges and the main character's struggle against natural disasters.

These stories can be intense and gripping, as the protagonist fights to overcome seemingly insurmountable challenges posed by nature. In 'Man vs. Nature' stories, the main characters are often alone or isolated, forced to rely on their own skills and instincts to survive.

They may face extreme weather conditions, dangerous animals, or other natural phenomena threatening their existence. These stories can be both captivating and frightening, as readers wonder whether the protagonist will be able to survive.

If you're looking for a story that will keep you on the edge of your seat, the 'Man vs. Nature' plot is worth exploring!

Man vs. Society Plot

You'll explore the 'Man vs. Society' plot, where the protagonist is pitted against oppressive societal structures.

In this plot, the protagonist's goals often conflict with the norms and expectations of the society they inhabit.

As the protagonist struggles for freedom, they face obstacles such as discrimination, injustice, and pressure to conform.

Get ready to delve into the complexity of this plot and see how the protagonist fights against the system.

Protagonist vs. Oppressive Social Structure

When the protagonist is confronted with an oppressive social structure, they must navigate the dynamics of power and societal expectations.

The protagonist's struggle against injustice, societal norms, and expectations can result in a gripping short story plot. In Margaret Atwood's 'The Handmaid's Tale', protagonist Offred is forced to navigate a dystopian society that oppresses women and enforces strict gender roles. Her identity is stripped away, and she is forced to submit to the oppressive regime, yet she continues to fight and seek a way out.

In this type of short story, the protagonist's struggle against the oppressive social structure can serve as a commentary on real-world issues such as gender inequality, racism, and classism. Through the protagonist's struggle, readers can gain insight into how societal structures can limit individual freedoms and perpetuate injustice.

These stories can be thought-provoking and entertaining, making them a popular choice for readers craving innovation and fresh perspectives.

Protagonist's Goals Within Society

The motivations and goals of the protagonist within society are crucial elements in shaping the plot of a short story. Whether it's a desire for power, love, or acceptance, the protagonist's inner drive can create an engaging narrative that captures the reader's attention.

However, societal pressures often hinder the protagonist's progress, creating conflicts and tensions that drive the story forward. As the protagonist navigates societal structures, their motivations and goals are constantly tested by external influences. Family expectations, peer pressure, and society as a whole can pose barriers that must be overcome.

It is through this struggle that the protagonist learns about themselves and grows as a character. In short stories, the protagonist's goals and desires often serve as the driving force behind the plot, making their journey compelling and relatable to readers.

Protagonist's Struggle for Freedom

Imagine being trapped in a world where every move you make is controlled, and your only hope for a better life is by fighting for your freedom. The protagonist's struggle for freedom is a common theme in short stories, reflecting the universal desire for autonomy and self-determination.

This theme can take various forms, from characters fighting against totalitarian governments to those battling societal expectations and norms. The protagonist's journey towards freedom is often filled with obstacles they must overcome to achieve their goals.

These obstacles can be external, such as physical barriers or oppressive systems, or internal, such as doubt or fear. However, it is overcoming these obstacles that makes the protagonist's struggle for freedom so compelling. It highlights the strength and resilience of the human spirit and reminds us that no matter how great the challenges we face, we have the power to overcome them.

Coming of Age Plot

Hey you! Are you ready for the journey of self-discovery? The 'Coming of Age' Plot is about the protagonist's journey to maturity as they face challenges to grow and become themselves.

Along the way, they experience personal growth and learn valuable lessons that shape who they will become.

Get ready to join the protagonist on their transformative journey towards adulthood!

Protagonist's Journey to Adulthood

As a protagonist embarks on their journey to adulthood, they undergo a transformation that feels larger than life, like a rollercoaster journey with twists and turns that leave you breathless. This journey is not just about growing up but also about finding oneself. The protagonist must overcome personal obstacles, face fears and doubts, and learn to trust their intuition.

Here are four key elements of the protagonist's journey to adulthood:

  • Call to Adventure: The protagonist is faced with a challenge or opportunity that will change their life forever. This can take various forms, such as a mentor figure, a personal crisis, or a new environment

    • Call to Adventure: The protagonist is faced with a challenge or opportunity that will change their life forever. This can take various forms, such as a mentor figure, a personal crisis, or a new environment.
    • Trial Road: The protagonist faces a series of trials that test their strength, courage, and resilience. These trials can be physical, emotional, or spiritual and may push the protagonist to their limits.
    • Moment of Truth: The protagonist must confront their deepest fears and make difficult choices that will determine their fate. This moment can be a turning point in the story and often involves sacrifice or risk.
    • The Return Home: The protagonist returns to ordinary life, but their journey has forever changed them. They have gained wisdom, maturity, and a new perspective on life. The protagonist may also inspire others to embark on their own journey of self-discovery.

    Protagonist's Personal Growth

    Congratulations! You've learned about the protagonist's journey to adulthood, but there's still more to explore. You'll discover how the protagonist's personal growth shapes the narrative of the story.

    In this type of short story plot, the protagonist's internal conflicts take center stage. You'll witness how character development paves the way for narrative development.

    Stories like these often explore how the protagonist's struggle and personal growth affect their relationships with others. As characters evolve, their perceptions, values, and beliefs can change, giving rise to new conflicts and challenges.

    Stories like these can be emotional and thought-provoking as you witness the protagonist's personal struggles and emerge as a changed person. So, are you ready to dive deeper into the protagonist's personal development?

    Lessons Along the Journey

    Whether you like it or not, you'll feel empathy as you witness the protagonist's struggles and the valuable lessons they learn along the way.

    As the story unfolds, the protagonist faces many obstacles that initially seem insurmountable. However, they gradually discover the inner strength and determination to overcome these challenges.

    Through their journey, the protagonist learns important life lessons that not only shape their character but also touch the hearts of readers. They learn the power of perseverance, the importance of self-confidence, and the value of hard work.

    These lessons resonate with readers and inspire them to face their own challenges with renewed spirit and hope. In the end, the protagonist's struggle and triumph leave a lasting impact on readers, reminding them of the human spirit's power to overcome even the toughest obstacles.

    Love and Romance Plot

    Hi there! Let's delve into the world of love and romance plots. As the protagonist embarks on their romantic journey, they will encounter many obstacles and challenges that will test their love.

    But fear not, because through these trials, they will gain valuable lessons about love and themselves that will shape their future relationships.

    Get ready for a rollercoaster of emotions as we explore this classic plot!

    Protagonist's Romantic Journey

    Ah, there's nothing quite as heartwarming as a good protagonist's romantic journey.

    It's the classic tale of boy meets girl, boy falls in love with girl, and boy faces romantic conflicts to win the heart of their beloved. The protagonist's journey is not always easy, especially when love triangles come into play.

    Audiences often find themselves torn, wondering who the protagonist will choose in the end.

    This journey is not just about finding love but also about self-discovery. The protagonist learns about their desires, shortcomings, and strengths through their romantic journey. They may face challenges that force them to confront their own insecurities and grow as individuals.

    In the end, the protagonist emerges stronger and more self-aware, ready to face whatever challenges life throws their way.

    So sit back, relax, and enjoy the journey as the protagonist navigates the ups and downs of love.

    Obstacles and Challenges in Romance

    You've been following the protagonist's romantic journey closely, supporting them every step of the way. But a great love story isn't complete without obstacles and challenges, right? After all, it's the trials and tribulations that make the happy ending all the sweeter.

    So let's talk about navigating boundaries and cultural differences in romance. When two people from different backgrounds come together, it's undeniable that they will encounter some hurdles. They may have different beliefs, traditions, or even languages. But instead of letting these differences tear them apart, the couple must learn to navigate them. This may involve compromise, finding common ground, and respecting each other's cultures. It may not always be easy, but it's worth it for love.

    Here are some examples of obstacles and challenges that couples may face in romance:

    • Language Barrier: One person may be more fluent in the other's language, leading to misunderstandings and miscommunication.
    • Family Disapproval: If the couple comes from different cultures, their families may not approve of the relationship.
    • Differing Expectations: Each person may have different ideas about what a romantic relationship should look like. For example, one person may prioritize independence while the other values togetherness.

    Lessons Learned About Love

    Lessons in Love Lie in Life's Labyrinth. Finding true love isn't easy, and sometimes it takes a few heartbreaks and wrong turns to finally find the right love.

    But as time goes on, you gain valuable lessons about what love truly means. One of the most important lessons is that love isn't about finding someone to complete you, but about finding someone who accepts you as you are.

    True love isn't about changing yourself to fit someone else's expectations, but about embracing your flaws and imperfections and finding someone who still loves you. Another lesson is that love isn't always easy, and relationships take effort.

    It's not just about the good times, but about how you handle the tough times together. And perhaps the most important lesson of all is that love is worth the risk.

    It may not always work out, but the journey to finding true love is a journey that will teach you more about yourself and the world around you than anything else.

    Mystery and Suspense Plot

    The Mystery and Suspense Plot leaves readers puzzled, wondering what will happen next. This type of storyline involves complex networks of clues, hidden motives, and unexpected twists that keep readers guessing until the end.

    To create an effective Mystery and Suspense plot, writers must use various techniques to build tension and keep readers engaged. Here are some ways to achieve this:

    • Foreshadowing: By dropping subtle hints and clues throughout the story, writers can create a sense of unease and anticipation in their readers. Foreshadowing can be used to hint at the identity of the culprit, the consequences of a particular event, or even a character's fate.
    • Red Herrings: These are false clues or misleading information that can lead readers off the trail of the true culprit. By including red herrings in the plot, writers can make their readers doubt their own conclusions and keep them guessing until the end.
    • Cliffhangers: These are moments of high tension or suspense that leave readers wondering what will happen next. By ending a chapter or scene on a cliffhanger, writers can keep their readers engaged and eager to find out what happens next.
    • Unreliable Narrator: This is a character whose version of events may not be entirely true or accurate. By using an unreliable narrator, writers can create a sense of uncertainty and doubt in their readers, causing them to question everything they think they know about the story.

    By employing these techniques and more, writers can create gripping Mystery and Suspense plots that will keep their readers engaged and on edge until the end.


    So there you have it, five of the most common types of short story plots that you need to know. Each offers its own unique elements and challenges, but all have the potential to captivate and entertain your readers.

    Whether you choose to write about man vs. nature, man vs. society, coming of age, love and romance, or mystery and suspense, remember to keep your readers engaged by creating dynamic characters, unique settings, and unexpected plot twists.

    With these tools in hand, you're sure to create short stories that will leave a lasting impression on your audience.

Andre Yulianto

Andre Yulianto

How puzzling all these changes are! I'm never sure what I'm going to turn into a tidy little room.