Study guide: Classes within classes

Brush up on Java terms, learn tips and cautions, review homework assignments, and read Jeff’s answers to student questions Glossary of terms anonymous inner class An unnamed inner class located within a method block or a statement block in an…

Generate JavaBean classes dynamically with XSLT

Generate JavaBean classes dynamically with XSLT

Use the XSLT processor as a powerful source code generator In some commercial software projects, you cannot afford to cast in stone the structure of business objects. For example, different companies may have different and even mutually exclusive requirements for…

Boost Struts with XSLT and XML

Boost Struts with XSLT and XML

An introduction to Model 2X Since the Java Servlet API’s inception, developers have used diverse technologies to develop Web applications in Java. Recently, developers have started to recognize the merits of Model 2, a scheme derived from the Model-View-Controller (MVC)…

Java Product News (updated February 1, 2002)

SilverStream eXtend achieves J2EE 1.3 compatibility; No Magic reveals UML modeling tool; <em>SAX2</em> now available from O’Reilly; and more SilverStream eXtend achieves J2EE 1.3 compatibility February 1 — SilverStream Software’s eXtend product suite has passed the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise…

Connect the enterprise with the JCA, Part 2

Build your own J2EE Connector Architecture adapter In “Connect the Enterprise with the JCA, Part 1,” I introduced JCA (J2EE Connector Architecture), explained how it compares to EAI (enterprise application integration) products, and offered details on JCA interfaces. JCA, an…

eXtend Workbench’s Web services wizardry

SilverStream eXtend Workbench lacks some tools, but eases the way to Web services for Java application developers The ultimate acceptance of next-generation Web services technologies in the enterprise hinges on their ease of adoption and solid performance. Moreover, developers will…

Seeing the bottom

Underlying currents run deep and clear through this year’s list of Technology of the Year winners ONE LOOK AT this year’s list of Technology of the Year winners tells all you need to know about the immediate future of enterprise…

Taking up the Web services challenge

Companies are finding innovative ways to fill new niches created by Web services ALTHOUGH MOST PEOPLE would probably rather forget about 2001, we think that once you look at our selections for InfoWorld’s Technology of the Year awards you might…

P.J.’s parting shot

Hostile code as a Technology of the Year? If Microsoft’s switch is any indication, there are worse candidates WELL, IT’S TECHNOLOGY of the Year time here in the InfoWorld Test Center, and I’m annoyed because one of my personal favorites…