For the love of LUGs

Linux user groups give participants a chance to iron out their pressing open-source questions face-to-face PEOPLE WHO WANT to try using open-source software are sometimes put off by the thought that they will have no place to go when things…

Grid Will Hunting

Researchers see the combination of Web services and peer-to-peer helping bring their vision of grid computing to life HERE COMES GRID computing, folks. It looks a lot like peer-to-peer from one end of the elephant, but swing on over to…

Web services, Java style

Early access version of Sun’s Web Services Developer Pack offers a sneak peek at emerging technologies See correction below Now that Web services have firmly established themselves in the enterprise, developers face mounting pressure to keep up with the latest…

Beware of portals you can’t leave

Don’t believe the hype: Portal lures are nothing more than a ploy in vendor wars GIVEN HALF A chance these days, it seems that every major software vendor is willing to give any prospective customer a portal for free. The…

Big firewall for small offices

Mitel Networks‘ SME Server offers easy point-and-click security for satellite offices and an optional, low-cost service that makes creating VPNs a breeze SECURITY IS A concern for the entire IT community these days. If a large enterprise with trained security…


Making application ends meet

Sticking to your budget may require outside help and deeper insight into your integration requirements AN OLD MAXIM insists that if you have to ask how much it costs, you can’t afford it. Unfortunately for CTOs, this pearl of wisdom…

Going once, going twice

Broader competence wrought from experience is driving procurement proficiency in private exchanges FOR MOST COMPANIES, material and service sourcing still represent the lion’s share of their total expenditures. That explains why so many companies continue to invest in supply-chain technologies,…


Java Web services high in potential

J2EE promises ease of use and savings for EAI, but first users need a specification and a development road map INTEGRATING ENTERPRISE applications has been a thorn in the side of enterprise planners since companies started using more than one…


Pay-as-you go control

Everdream CTO offers a menu of functions that can be remotely managed around-the-clock THE DESIRE TO outsource basic IT support is always at its highest during uncertain economic times. One of the companies that is focused on answering that need…


UpShot focuses on sales management

Chairman Keith Raffel discusses why companies turn to his CRM services AS FRUSTRATION WITH CRM projects continues to mount, many company are turning for help to ASPs. One of the leading players in this space is UpShot, which delivers a…