
Java Web services high in potential

J2EE promises ease of use and savings for EAI, but first users need a specification and a development road map INTEGRATING ENTERPRISE applications has been a thorn in the side of enterprise planners since companies started using more than one…


Pay-as-you go control

Everdream CTO offers a menu of functions that can be remotely managed around-the-clock THE DESIRE TO outsource basic IT support is always at its highest during uncertain economic times. One of the companies that is focused on answering that need…


UpShot focuses on sales management

Chairman Keith Raffel discusses why companies turn to his CRM services AS FRUSTRATION WITH CRM projects continues to mount, many company are turning for help to ASPs. One of the leading players in this space is UpShot, which delivers a…

It might be efficient, but it ain’t OO

Should you favor optimization or good OO design in your Java programs? February 22, 2002 Q: Recently, I was told not to use anonymous inner classes to associate listeners with specific screen components, but instead implement the ActionListener interface in…

Java Product News (updated February 22, 2002)

GemStone now supports JBoss; BCT Technology launches „Napster“ for code; JeeWiz! whips up Web services; and more GemStone now supports JBoss February 22 — GemStone Systems has added JBoss support to GemStone Facets 1.1, a shared transactional Java workspace. By…

Accelerate EJB 2.0 development with EJBGen

Accelerate EJB 2.0 development with EJBGen

Simplify development and maintenance in your EJB CMP 2.0 model Developers who have worked with Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) technology since its inception have experienced the hassle of the EJB development lifecycle. When I started to work with EJB 1.1 containers,…

Will Big Blue eclipse the Java tools market?

IBM aims to overshadow Sun’s NetBeans with its $40 million gambit If you’re looking to create an alternative to Microsoft’s Visual Studio .Net, you may be able to do so in just four easy steps. First, look outside the United…

Take control with the Proxy design pattern

Take control with the Proxy design pattern

The Proxy design pattern substitutes a proxy for an object, making your apps more efficient A friend of mine — a medical doctor, no less — once told me that he convinced a friend to take a college exam for…


Chronic slip syndrome

What level of oversight and control produces the best R&D results? My series of columns has discussed how the CTO balances each of the key R&D factors comprising strategic technology management. In the last column in this series, we detailed…