Steer clear of Java pitfalls
Three tips to keep you from falling into a Java trap Though the Java language and platform strive to make programmers’ lives easier, unfortunately, as in all systems, overly complex and poorly designed areas crop up. Every other month, I…
Microsoft’s .Net impact
Find out what’s behind Microsoft’s so-called Java killer By now you’ve read and heard plenty about .Net, Microsoft’s new enterprise application strategy. A nuts-and-bolts rundown of .Net’s features may leave you asking, “Does this have anything to do with me?”…
Microsoft’s C# public beta hits a high note
Discover what’s behind Microsoft’s C# initiative, and learn how it may affect Java’s future Choosing a language for enterprise Windows development isn’t as easy as it used to be. C++ has always been the best choice for commercial development, but…
Alternative deployment methods, Part 3: The code
Examine the code and techniques used in an alternative deployment tool In the first two parts of this series, I described the shortcomings of most popular methods of deploying Java applications, and proposed a solution that tackles many of those…
Private and final?
Is it necessary to declare a private method final? Q: Given that: private methods cannot be overridden by subclasses final methods cannot be overridden by subclasses final methods allow for faster code when compiled with optimizations on (javac -O) My…
Java Tip 102: Add multiple JTable cell editors per column
Extend and reuse JTable for property pages By default JTable does not offer the capability to have more than one editor per column. A Visual Basic-like property page is one place where you would need more than one editor in…
News and new product briefs (September 15, 2000)
INDEXHEAD: Build Java apps faster with JBuilder 4 Inprise/Borland has announced the release of JBuilder 4, the latest version of its Java cross-platform development environment. JBuilder rapidly creates business, database, and distributed applications based on the Java 2 platform. Version…
The Lucene search engine: Powerful, flexible, and free
Easily add searching to your application with Lucene Don’t let the low version number — 0.04 as of August 2000 — fool you. The Lucene search engine is a robust, powerful, and flexible search toolkit, ready to tackle many common…
Launching into Java
New client-side technologies bring Java apps out of the Web and onto the desktop A long time ago, Java programmers were promised something like “class loaders that load resources from the Internet.” Today, we still can’t add the network to…
JSP templates
Use JSP templates to encapsulate Webpage layout and encourage modular design Although Web development tools are rapidly progressing, they still lag behind most graphical user interface (GUI) toolkits such as Swing or VisualWorks Smalltalk. For example, traditional GUI toolkits provide…