Mapping XML to Java, Part 2

Create a class library that uses the SAX API to map XML documents to Java objects As I mentioned in Part 1, one of the big problems programmers face when using the SAX API is conceptual. I’d like to address…

The Gnutella file-sharing network and Java

Use the JTella API to easily develop applications that access Gnutella I’ll begin with some definitions. First, Internet file sharing is an activity performed by a community of connected users. The file-sharing system, at a minimum, allows users to share…

Everything is an object, Part 2

Build your first Java program There are several issues you must understand before seeing your first Java program. TEXTBOX: TEXTBOX_HEAD: Everything is an object: Read the whole series! Part 1. Learn to write your first Java program with these Java…

Make room for JavaSpaces, Part 6

Make room for JavaSpaces, Part 6

Build and use distributed data structures in your JavaSpaces programs The design of any space-based application typically revolves around one or more distributed data structures. These are data structures that exist in a space where multiple processes can access and…

In Java, size doesn’t matter

Can you ascertain the size of a primitive in Java? Q: Is there a method in Java for determining the size of a primitive type, similar to C++’s sizeof operator? A: The short answer: you can’t find the size of…

Java Tip 103: Send HTTP requests for serialized objects

Java Tip 103: Send HTTP requests for serialized objects

Implement Web object tunneling to transport Java objects through firewalls My Web Object Tunneling utility evolved when I needed to develop an applet that would display dynamic server-side data stored as JavaBeans. I needed to consider how to detect their…


Which JSP book serves up the best lesson?

Choosing the best resource for learning JavaServer Pages Are you looking for that JavaServer Pages book that will get you started creating JSP-based Websites? In this article, I’ll look at six of the latest JSP books offered. Those books include:…

Frameworks save the day

Frameworks save the day

Use an extensible, vendor-independent framework to accomplish the top tasks in server-side development In server-side development, a number of core tasks crop up over and over again. Most developers know that such tasks can and should be pulled into a…