The company Internet

Flexible, XML-based NetPoint has the right stuff for controlling remote network access by anyone, anywhere MAKING CORPORATE APPLICATIONS available via the Web is the order of the day for many IT shops, which are also clamoring to provide better integrated…

Passport to prosperity?

When considering micropayments, weigh carefully how the system changes the economic balance sheet MANAGEMENTSPEAK: We need to normalize our service delivery. TRANSLATION: Our customers need to pay more to get less. — Luckily, this week’s contributor normalized, or at least…

Expanding the sphere

IBM adds productivity enhancements to its team-based J2EE and Web services development environment SUCCESSFULLY MANAGING large application development projects requires keeping a team of developers in lockstep while harnessing their varied skill sets, including Web, Java, and database expertise. The…

An open alternative

Free OpenNMS has the right price but isn’t quite ready for larger, multisegment networks WHEN EVERYTHING’S WORKING properly, a network manager is as busy as the Maytag repairman. Unfortunately, that nirvana has become harder to reach in recent years. Although…

The message medium

In the EAI messaging space, Sun’s Java Message Service is a winning approach RECENT INTEREST IN Web services has refocused IT’s attention on EAI (enterprise application integration) middleware. In integration projects, no software component is more important than messaging. Every…

Come on down!

Readers respond with gusto “Name That Vendor,” a game everyone with maintenance issues is invited to play The results are in from our first round of “Name That Vendor,” and I think we did quite well. You will recall a…

Write once, sue many

This juicy corporate tale has all the dramatic elements you could want for the perfect weekend read I GOT A CALL from an old friend the other day, and in the course of catching up he asked whether I’d been…

Fear and loathing of Web services

Major software vendors may give lip service, but they fear the implications of Web services IF YOU LISTEN very carefully, you can hear the sound of large application software vendors damning Web services with faint praise. Just about every software…

Dawn of a new database

Wireless users put a strain on traditional databases, and transactional databases are fitting the bill ORACLE MAKES AN OK database. Microsoft’s SQL Server and IBM’s DB2 aren’t bad either. But as data gets collected over wireless and the demand for…

SAN centerpiece

Brocade sharpens performance, manageability on its 16-port switch VARIOUS DEVICES PLAY vital roles in building a SAN (storage area network). Hubs and loop switches are the SAN entry point for legacy devices; fabric switches are the backbone of the network;…