Java Product News (updated November 9, 2001)

HP and NDS put Java on TV; SavaJe XE runs J2SE applications on devices; ATG delivers Dynamo beta for WebLogic; and more HP and NDS put Java on TV November 9 — HP will incorporate its MicrochaiVM software with NDS’s…

A Boolean wrapped with string

What’s the best way to convert a Boolean primitive to a string? November 9, 2001 Q: What’s the best way to convert a Boolean primitive to a string? Would the following work? boolean bool = true; String s = new…

Java Tip 119: Don’t know much about file history?

Java Tip 119: Don’t know much about file history?

Enhance your file processing application by adding a file history mechanism Every programmer is familiar with a text editor either as part of an IDE or as a standalone tool. Often you must reedit source code you have recently closed.…

n class instances

Limit class instances with a modified singleton November 2, 2001 Q: How can I write a class such that I can create only five instances of that class? A: In both “Singletons Rule” and “Effective Object-Oriented Design,” I covered the…

Java Product News (updated November 2, 2001)

Matisse combines native object support with server-based SQL; Houston Technology Group upgrades EJBX; Instantis releases Web services environment; and more Compuware introduces OptimalJ November 2 — Compuware is now shipping the commercial version of OptimalJ, an advanced J2EE (Java 2…

Study guide: Class and object initialization

Brush up on Java terms, learn tips and cautions, review homework assignments, and read Jeff’s answers to student questions Glossary of terms class block initializer An initializer that makes complex class initialization possible. A class block initializer consists of the…

Reflection vs. code generation

Avoid runtime reflection when marshaling data Data marshaling (pulling data from an outside source and loading it into a Java object) can utilize the benefits of reflection to create a reusable solution. The problem is simple enough: load data from…

Interfaces: Serenity now!

Readers pepper Java Q&A with interface questions October 26, 2001 Q: A reader asks: How is it possible to call methods that belong to an interface when it is not possible to define one in an interface? As an example,…

Java Product News (updated October 26, 2001)

Sun ONE enlists Aligo; VMGear releases Optimizeit Suite; switches eStores to a Java-based platform; and more Sun ONE enlists Aligo October 26 — Aligo has integrated its M-1 Mobile Application Server with the Sun ONE architecture. The server integrates…

JavaMail quick start

JavaMail quick start

Send and receive email with the JavaMail APIs In JavaMail you’ll find APIs and provider implementations allowing you to develop fully functional email client applications. “Email client applications” invokes thoughts of Microsoft Outlook; and, yes, you could write your own…