iChain builds trust

Novell’s authentication tool bolsters network defenses and provides XML-based single sign-on FOR BUSINESS relationships to work, the parties involved must trust one another. They don’t have to be allies; competitors do business with one another all the time. But regardless…


The Windows way to Web services

Microsoft’s Web services approach may be the easiest, but at what cost? WEB SERVICES’ PROMISE to eliminate the complexities of EAI (enterprise application integration) plays like a siren’s song to all levels of IT management. Worn down by mounting costs…

Serena Software integrates code and content management

SERENA SOFTWARE THIS week released a new version of its product that integrated software code and Web content change management in a single product. Serena ChangeMan WCM is designed to automate content-centric processes such as task assignment, content routing, editing,…

Elbows, ears, and rules of thumb

Not everything that’s wise is a good ethical principle “Never put anything in your ear smaller than your elbow.” It’s not exactly a solid ethical principle — and probably not an ethical principle at all — but it’s a good…

Survey results are shocking: It’s a tie

I asked E-Business Secrets readers on Dec. 20 to answer one question: “Shall I concentrate more on Web management, Web development, or some ‘Other’ response?” I designed this survey to help me understand some curious patterns in the items clicked…

Tibco buys Talarian in messaging deal

LOOKING TO EXTEND its messaging platform for business integration, Tibco has entered into an agreement to acquire infrastructure software provider Talarian, in a stock and cash transaction valued at approximately $115 million, the two companies announced on Saturday. Tibco, which…


Web services: A skeptic’s journey

Dan Woods looks past the hype for the real promise and potential pitfalls surrounding Web services Anyone working in technology in the United States has to have a powerful hype filter turned on at all times. Exaggerated marketing claims are…


Experience of youth

Bandwidth.com CTO got an early start learning to juggle demands placed on an IT executive’s head HAVING THE GUTS and the savvy to say “No can do” to the boss when an assignment seems unrealistic might make even the most…


Keeping an eye on all your parts

Managing parts and services via support-chain collaboration helps reduce costs, downtime ALTHOUGH SCM (supply-chain management) and collaboration for finished goods has received much attention of late, management of service parts and content needed for maintenance and repair of goods already…