Java Product News (updated November 16, 2001)

Popkin’s System Architect 8.5 now available; Phaos toolkit scouts out digital certificates; Atinav launches embedded development platform; and more

Borland releases J2EE platform

November 16 — The Borland Software Platform for J2EE (Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition) includes Borland Enterprise Studio for Java, JBuilder, and Borland Enterprise Server. With this new platform, Borland hopes to migrate Java development to mainstream enterprise developers.

Popkin’s System Architect 8.5 now available

November 16 — Popkin Software has upgraded its System Architect to version 8.5. The modeling software suite supports Java, with features including UML 1.4 compatibility, XML integration, a database-model synchronization feature, and a cross-reference editor.

MKS and Borland combine products

November 16 — MKS has integrated its MKS Source Integrity Enterprise Edition with Borland’s JBuilder 6. Now developers using JBuilder can access MKS’s software configuration management functionality from within the JBuilder environment.

Phaos toolkit scouts out digital certificates

November 16 — Phaos Technology has released Browser Scout, a toolkit that enables Java applet and application developers to obtain instant access to digital certificates stored within Web browsers. Browser Scout creates a Java applet that can be downloaded into a Web browser; it then accesses the browser’s certificate store. The applet uses the certificate store for performing strong authentication and creating unique digital signatures.

Atinav launches embedded development platform

November 16 — Atinav’s new UPnP Protocol Stack and Development Platform is a software technology that enables developers to create solutions for embedded systems. The product’s SDKs support Java 1.1 and Java 2 technology and work with any operating system supporting J2SE (Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition). They also work with J2ME (Java 2 Platform, Micro Edtion).

HP and NDS put Java on TV

November 9 — HP will incorporate its MicrochaiVM software with NDS’s conditional access and interactive television solutions. This integration will allow network operators to deploy one Java application across multiple set-top box models. For example, with NDS’s Value@TV, Java-based interactive applications running on MicrochaiVM software have access to other Java applications, with no set-top box updates.

SavaJe XE runs J2SE applications on devices

November 9 — SavaJe Technologies is now shipping SavaJe XE 1.0, an operating system for embedded and handheld devices that supports a full J2SE (Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition) desktop environment. In addition, the company will incorporate ARM Jazelle, a technology that enables devices to execute Java byte codes directly, into SavaJe XE.

Creative Science Systems launches Web services-based compiler

November 9 — The new Schema2Java Compiler 1.5 from Creative Science Systems automatically converts XML Schema into Java classes. These converted classes, when integrated into a Java application, decrease Web services development time.

ATG delivers Dynamo beta for WebLogic

November 9 — ATG (Art Technology Group) has released the beta version of ATG Dynamo e-Business Platform for BEA WebLogic. This is the company’s first move towards integrating the Java-based platform with J2EE (Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition) application servers.

Manning publishes new JSP book

November 9 — Manning has released Web Development with JavaServer Pages, Second Edition by Duane K. Fields, Mark A. Kolb, and Shawn Bayern. This latest edition will explore JSP 1.2, custom tags, servlet filters, and JSP interaction with other J2EE (Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition) technologies.

Day releases JSP debugger

November 9 — Day has released the Communiqué JSP Debugger (cqjd), a freeware application based on the Java Platform Debug Architecture. The cqjd can run on a local desktop, allowing users to debug JVMs remotely. Based on the latest Tomcat reference implementation, the tool can enable remote server debugging on Tomcat versions 3.x and 4.0.

Compuware introduces OptimalJ

November 2 — Compuware is now shipping the commercial version of OptimalJ, an advanced J2EE (Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition) development environment. OptimalJ enables developers of varying experience levels to produce reliable applications. The IDE generates applications directly from a visual model, using patterns for coding to the J2EE specification.

Matisse combines native object support with server-based SQL

November 2 — Fresher Information Group has launched Matisse 5.0, database software for developing and deploying object applications and Web services. Applications and services that include Matisse can use a single object model, which eliminates the need for object-relational (O/R) mapping. Matisse supports native objects, SQL, XML, and J2EE (Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition).

Houston Technology Group upgrades EJBX

November 2 — EJBX version 1.1 Code Generator from the Houston Technology Group is now available from Flashline. EJBX is an EJB (Enterprise JavaBean) 2.0 CMP (container-managed persistence) entity bean code generator. The product allows developers to generate EJB 2.0 objects based on an existing database.

Instantis releases Web services environment

November 2 — Instantis’s newly launched SiteWand 3.0 creates, deploys, and maintains Web services and automated systems applications. SiteWand’s approach is based on engines, or Web requests’ transaction handlers. These engines respond with actions like dynamic Web pages, messaging, and database updates. The platform includes a Java-based runtime environment, which runs on any J2EE (Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition) environment.

Sun ONE enlists Aligo

October 26 — Aligo has integrated its M-1 Mobile Application Server with the Sun ONE architecture. The server integrates with iPlanet products, supports the Forte for Java IDE (integrated development environment), and runs on Solaris; iPlanet, Forte for Java, and Solaris are all part of the Sun ONE initiative. The device software also provides a link between J2EE (Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition) and J2ME (Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition).

CreamTec updates WebCream

October 26 — CreamTec’s latest version of its Java-to-HTML tool is now available. WebCream 4.0 acts a bridge between Java GUI applications and HTML/JavaScript. It dynamically renders HTML and JavaScript for existing GUI applets and applications with no code.

VMGear releases Optimizeit Suite

October 26 — The new Optimizeit Suite from VMGear allows Java developers to improve their programs’ performance and reliability. The suite features three integrated tools: Optimizeit Profiler, which allows developers to identify buggy code or faulty algorithms, find and understand CPU utilization issues, and correct memory leaks and temporary object allocations; Thread Debugger, whose interface shows the changing status of all threads and monitors; and Code Coverage, which displays how frequently each method and line of code is executed.

PolarLake to add Web services support to XML development tool

October 26 — PolarLake will release the next version of its XML development/deployment platform this December. In addition to Web services client and server support, PolarLake 1.2 will feature the PolarLake Designer, a development tool for delivering Java applications. Version 1.2 will also include the PolarLake Management Console, a distributed application management and deployment system.

ArtinSoft enhances automatic migration engine

October 26 — Informix 4GL, an automatic migration engine from ArtinSoft, now supports Java upgrades on Oracle and DB2. ArtinSoft’s tools enable companies to quickly migrate to J2EE (Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition) and CORBA platforms.

O’Reilly releases third edition of Enterprise JavaBeans

October 26 — In O’Reilly’s Enterprise JavaBeans, Third Edition, author Richard Monson-Haefel demonstrates the fundamentals of the EJB 2.0 and 1.1 architectures by explaining the underlying technology, Java classes and interfaces, component model, and runtime behavior of EJBs. In this edition, he covers entity beans, message-driven beans and the Java Message Service, and session beans. The book also features companion workbooks, which are available as free downloads. switches eStores to a Java-based platform

October 26 — has released eStores 4.0, its latest e-commerce solution that manages online stores and customers. Previously based on Pearl, the 4.0 version now supports Java. switched to Java to add greater flexibility and scalability to eStores.
