INDEXHEAD: Build Java apps faster with JBuilder 4
Inprise/Borland has announced the release of JBuilder 4, the latest version of its Java cross-platform development environment. JBuilder rapidly creates business, database, and distributed applications based on the Java 2 platform. Version 4 was designed to increase both project development and developer productivity. New additions include pure Java visual 2-way designers, wizards, and an integrated debugger.
Additional enhancements include the following:
- Entity bean modeler, which shortens the development and deployment of e-business applications
- Ability to build dynamic, data-driven Web applications using InternetBeans, JSP, and servlets
- Support for Java 2 1.3, with built-in support for Java HotSpot Virtual Machine
- JDataStore 4, pure Java object relational database management system for Web, mobile, and embedded applications
- Remote debugging
JBuilder 4 features three versions — JBuilder 4 Enterprise, JBuilder 4 Professional, and JBuilder 4 Foundation. JBuilder 4 Enterprise and JBuilder 4 Professional will be available in late September 2000 directly from Inprise/Borland and from major software distribution channels. In October, JBuilder 4 Foundation will be available for free download from Inprise/Borland’s Website.
INDEXHEAD: InstallAnywhere 3.5 now Java 1.3-compliant
InstallAnywhere 3.5 is currently available from Zero G. The latest version of that software deployment solution now features full Java 1.3 compatibility as well as support for all Linux platforms.
InstallAnywhere 3.5 also includes the following:
- The ability to build installers that are automatically localized in up to 29 languages
- A Show User Input panel that allows customization of the installer GUI with no additional coding
- Additional installer actions
- Optimization for server and client/server installations
- Support for passwords and automatic serial number generation
All of Zero G Software’s products and services are sold on a per-developer, per-system basis. InstallAnywhere Enterprise Edition is priced at ,995; InstallAnywhere Standard Edition costs 95, and InstallAnywhere Now is free. Trial versions of InstallAnywhere are now available for free download.
INDEXHEAD: O’Reilly publishes second edition of Java Network Programming
The second edition of O’Reilly’s Java Network Programming provides an introduction to developing network programs using Java. Written by Elliote Rusty Harold, the new book covers network programming from the fundamentals to RMI. Topics include TCP and UDP sockets, multicasting protocol and content handlers, and servlets. New chapters cover multithreaded network programming, I/O, HTML parsing and display, the Java Mail API, and the Java Secure Sockets Extension.
Chapter 11, “Sockets for Servers,” is available free online:
For more information about Java Network Programming:
INDEXHEAD: TS.Census 1.1 speeds up data access
Tally Systems has introduced a Java-based software developer kit for the newest version of TS.Census, an IT asset tracking software. The SDK provides network management software vendors access to data gathered with Tally Systems’ Census recognition technology to integrate with their own applications such as help-desk software, asset repositories, and other network management tools. The SDK includes a Java-based server and SDK client, and an API that allows access to certain TS.Census features, sample applications, and complete documentation. With TS.Census 1.1 users can:
- Access TS.Census inventory data, and view, edit, or export this data
- Access the “scan workstation now” feature (i.e., scan on demand)
- Integrate with TS.Census through both non-Windows and Web-based applications
The SDK and TS.Census 1.1 will be available mid-September. Pricing, which is based on the number of nodes being scanned, ranges between 2.50 and 4.25 per PC. The SDK is priced separately.
INDEXHEAD: Total-e-Server offers total free evaluation
Developers can now download a free evaluation version of Bluestone Software’s Total-e-Server Java application server. In addition to a review of that server technology, the evaluation package includes a tutorial on J2EE technology that covers building and running JavaServer Pages, JavaServlets, Enterprise JavaBeans, and Tag Libraries.
The Total-e-Server evaluation package also features:
- Rapid registration process; no registration keys
- Unlimited evaluation period
- Demonstrations and examples
- Small product footprint that reduces hard-disk space requirements
- New browser-based documentation with improved look and feel, and ability to print
The Total-e-Server evaluation version is available either as a CD or from Bluestone’s Website:
INDEXHEAD: Sun enhances Forte with PointBase
Sun Microsystems has licensed the right to incorporate PointBase’s database into Forte for Java IDE. That agreement adds an embedded pure Java database to Forte for Java products. With Forte for Java IDE, developers can now write database applications without seeking the help of a database administrator. The new PointBase-enabled IDE is anticipated to support a wide range of applications on enterprise networks, the Internet, and mobile device systems.
During third quarter 2000, both the Forte for Java IDE Tools Enterprise Edition and the Forte for Java IDE Tools Internet Edition will ship with a five MB version of PointBase. Upon licensing with PointBase, developers have the option to upgrade to a full working version at any time.
INDEXHEAD: ATG Dynamo 5 blasts off with J2EE-compliance
ATG has introduced ATG Dynamo 5 e-Business Platform, the industry’s first, fully certified J2EE customer management solution. The product is a deployment-ready and customizable B2B and B2C commerce application that is J2EE-compliant. The Dynamo products are designed to give businesses what they need to develop and deploy personalized, scalable, and reliable e-commerce applications. Dynamo 5 features a scenario-driven approach to rules-based personalization and the ability to rapidly develop and deploy online projects.
ATG Dynamo supports EJB, JSP, servlets, JMS, and the Java Transaction API.
INDEXHEAD: Sneak a peak at Versant enJin
Versant has launched the enJin Early Adopter Release Program, designed to speed the performance and improve the scalability of application servers. A middle-tier infrastructure platform, Versant enJin adapts with all EJB-compliant applications servers. The product’s integrated set of components include persistence for EJBs, distributed caching, automatic fail-over for high availability, and synchronization with backend relational databases. Versant enJin also supports XML data and provides a Java interface and an EJB framework.
The Versant Early Adopter Release Program runs from Sept. 1 to Dec. 31, 2000. It offers one developer’s license for the EAR software, three days enJin training, and five days enJin consulting. When Versant enJin becomes available, each EAR customer can purchase discount developer licenses through the end of 2000. Pricing for the program is 0,000.