Java Product News (November 3, 2000)

INDEXHEAD: JBuilder Handheld Express speeds Java development for the Palm OS

Inprise/Borland has unveiled an updated preview edition of JBuilder Handheld Express, designed to improve Java development efforts for the Palm OS platform. An add-on to JBuilder 4, Handheld Express supplements JBuilder’s development environment by providing developers with wizards that facilitate the creation and deployment of Java-based applications for consumer mobile devices using the Palm OS platform. It relies on the J2ME Connected Limited Device Configuration (CLDC), a Java runtime and virtual machine that works with consumer and embedded devices, including PDAs, pagers, and cellular phones. CLDC 1.0 is a Sun specification; it can be downloaded from the Sun Website at no charge, if used for development purposes.

The JBuilder Handheld Express tool is also free and can be downloaded from the Inprise/Borland Website.

INDEXHEAD: ScreenSurfer 3.0 adds EJBs

ScreenSurfer 3.0, iE’s updated host integration application, provides developers with automated, HTML-based browser access to host screens. Other features of the revised Web-to-host integration tool include:

  • Visual wizard-based development environment that automates access to host screens via templates and point-and-click browser screens
  • Support for EJB and XML technologies
  • Host-screen access to DEC VAX Data, Unix, IBM AS/400, and mainframe screen data
  • Notification feature informs IT staff of any changes in screen field elements that will impact existing scripts
  • Expanded remote diagnostic and administrative abilities

ScreenSurfer should be available for download by mid-November 2000.

INDEXHEAD: Oracle XDK meets new XML specs

The Oracle XML Developer’s Kit (XDK) now complies with an XML Schema Candidate Recommendation (CR) release, recently published by the W3C. The updated Oracle XDK helps developers manipulate large volumes of XML-based documents and data required by portals, hosted systems, and B2B and wireless applications. The kit contains XML parsers, an XSL processor, an XML class generator, XML transviewer JavaBeans, an XML schema processor, and an XSQL servlet.

Download the Oracle XDK for free from:

INDEXHEAD: Sun releases Jini Technology Starter Kit

Sun’s updated Jini Technology Starter Kit now contains specifications as well as interfaces and classes for the Jini technology infrastructure, contributed service implementations from Sun, and extra Jini technology utilities and interfaces. Version 1.1 offers helper utilities that contain the common capabilities involved in service discovery, lease renewal management, event management, and lookup service registration.

Sun also announced plans to simplify the licensing practices for its Jini network technology by shifting to the Sun Community Source License. This makes using the Jini network technology logo optional, and eliminates the licensing fee for the Jini Compatibility Logo.

The Jini Technology Starter Kit 1.1 is available for download.

INDEXHEAD: Expressroom I/O 2.0 expands workflow capabilities has introduced a beta version of its Expressroom I/O version 2.0 content management software. Version 2.0 includes workflow tools that allow users, rather than programmers, to manage the review and approval process of Website assets. The application also enables users to coordinate content that has been imported from external sources or created in Expressroom I/O, and then transmit it to different sources, such as wireless devices or Webpages. Expressroom I/O 2.0 supports template-based content management with its rollback and versioning technology. It also offers enhanced wireless device support (AvantGo, PAQ, HDML, HTML, and WML).

Expressroom I/O 2.0 should be available by the end of 2000.

INDEXHEAD: WebSphere Transcoding Publisher translates content for devices

IBM’s WebSphere Transcoding Publisher — an application that translates Web content for delivery to different handheld devices, including PDAs and smart phones — will be enhanced in version 3.5. The Java-based application adjusts content to meet the demands of the receiving device; that eliminates the need to write multiple applications or content for new devices or markup languages.

WebSphere Transcoding Publisher 3.5 also:

  • Translates HTML and XML applications and data into other formats, including WML, HDML, and iMode
  • Interprets GIF and JPG to wireless bitmap with image transcoders
  • Features expanded stylesheet-processing ability for XML content (internationalization, parametization, administration, and usability)
  • Supports deck fragmentation, which breaks Webpages into smaller elements to meet device memory requirements
  • Features enhanced administrative abilities, such as remote administration and the centralized storage of administrative information in an LDAP directory

WebSphere Transcoding Publisher 3.5 should be available by the end of November 2000. It costs 0,000 per processor.

INDEXHEAD: Bull debuts SIM ROCK 64

With 64 KB of memory, Bull’s new Java-based SIM ROCK 64 smart card is expected to support client services such as image access. SIM ROCK 64 complies with the WIM standard, which secures a user’s actions on WAP telephones — such as payment orders or stock exchange transactions — by encoding and signing with RSA technology and a PKI public key architecture. The SIM ROCK 64 card also meets the Java Card Forum (Java Card 2.1) standards, which provide mobile users with greater access to Java applications, as well as the ability to download Java applets.

INDEXHEAD: RSW Software adds visual scripting to e-TEST

Version 5.0 of RSW Software’s e-TEST Web application testing tool will include visual scripting abilities, improved server-side diagnostics, and Unix-based load generation. Other features of e-TEST 5.0 include:

  • Integration with Microsoft’s Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)
  • Integrated Test Wizard in e-Tester 5.0, which generates VBA test cases
  • Support for Linux and Sun Solaris environments, with the addition of the Unix e-Load agent
  • Test-management tools in e-Manager 5.0, which allows testers to cluster functional tests, schedule the test with e-Tester, and organize the findings in a central location

e-TEST 5.0 should ship in early November 2000. Pricing starts at ,995.

INDEXHEAD: Total-e-Server expands mobile capabilities

Bluestone Software is now shipping Total-e-Server Release 7.2, a J2EE-based application server. Release 7.2 supports message-driven beans; to meet their queuing and scheduling demands, it is bundled with Progress Software’s SonicMQ Java Message Service. The inclusion of embedded Java Transaction Services ensures the completion of end-to-end transactions that involve numerous distributed databases.

Total-e-Server also has expanded mobile capabilities, with the inclusion of a Universal Session Manager that supplies session and state management information for mobile devices. It also offers a variety of mobile-specific templates and tag libraries that can be used to format content for different wireless devices.

Pricing for the Total-e-Server Release 7.2 starts at 0,000.

INDEXHEAD: Artistic Systems unveils JCanvas Studio

Artistic Systems has announced the availability of JCanvas Studio 1.0, a Visual J2EE IDE. The application offers developers a 4GL method for developing e-business Web applications. JCanvas Studio relies on a Web-based point-and-click interface and features visual editors to help less experienced Java developers create complex applications. Other features of JCanvas Studio include:

  • Visual JDBC JavaBean creation
  • Java class and JavaBean editor
  • Integrated JSP container
  • JSP testing

You can download a beta version, which focuses on servlet and JSP technology, from JCanvas Studio for free. Future versions are expected to cover EJBs.

INDEXHEAD: MetaMatrix Server coordinates enterprise databases

MetaMatrix has introduced MetaMatrix Server 1.1, a Java- and XML-based content-integration tool. The application allows organizations to map data resources via metadata and supplies a single access point for distributed data sources, databases, realtime content, applications, Web content, and legacy systems. MetaMatrix Server 1.1 unifies information sources under a single API. The server is Web-enabled and is deployed as a collection of EJBs that run on IBM’s WebSphere and BEA’s WebLogic Application Servers.

Pricing for the MetaMatrix Server 1.1 is based on the number of licenses for CPUs.

Julie Salzmann is a freelance writer. She is
currently focusing on technical issues, and has written abstracts
of online databases and indexed ZDNet’s TipZone database. Her
previous work spans a variety of disciplines, including education:
she was the news editor for and coauthored
How to Choose a Public School in San Francisco.
