Pin any folder to the Start menu in Windows 7

This tutorial is helpful for those who want to use the Start menu to ensure quick access to frequently used folders in Microsoft Windows 7.

By default, by can not pin any folder of your choice to the start menu in Windows 7. By creating a key in the registry this trick can be done.

As always, it is better to backup your Windows 7 Registry before proceeding.



Click Start; type regedit in the search field. Right click on the regedit.exe and select “Run as Administrator”. The Windows 7 security prompt will appear, accept it.

If you are not sure about this step, please follow our other Windows 7 registry related tutorials to see the screenshots.

Windows Registry Editor will open.

Now, go to the path HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT > Folder > shellex > ContextMenuHandlers and create a new key named {a2a9545d-a0c2-42b4-9708-a0b2badd77c8} there by right-click:

pin a folder on start menu 1

pin a folder on start menu 2

Close the Windows Registry Editor.

Now, go to the location where the folder that you want to pin to the Start menu is located. Hold shift and right click over it:

pin a folder on start menu 3

As you can see in the screenshot above; you will get an option to pin the folder to start menu in Windows 7 context menu. Click it to continue.

pin a folder on start menu 4

Your folder will now be pinned to the Start menu now.

Tagged With
customize pin to start menu windows 7 , how to pin a folder to start menu , how to pin a folder to the start menu window 7 , win7 pin folder to start menu
