Java Product News (updated October 26, 2001)

Sun ONE enlists Aligo; VMGear releases Optimizeit Suite; switches eStores to a Java-based platform; and more

Sun ONE enlists Aligo

October 26 — Aligo has integrated its M-1 Mobile Application Server with the Sun ONE architecture. The server integrates with iPlanet products, supports the Forte for Java IDE (integrated development environment), and runs on Solaris; iPlanet, Forte for Java, and Solaris are all part of the Sun ONE initiative. The device software also provides a link between J2EE (Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition) and J2ME (Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition).

CreamTec updates WebCream

October 26 — CreamTec’s latest version of its Java-to-HTML tool is now available. WebCream 4.0 acts a bridge between Java GUI applications and HTML/JavaScript. It dynamically renders HTML and JavaScript for existing GUI applets and applications with no code.

VMGear releases Optimizeit Suite

October 26 — The new Optimizeit Suite from VMGear allows Java developers to improve their programs’ performance and reliability. The suite features three integrated tools: Optimizeit Profiler, which allows developers to identify buggy code or faulty algorithms, find and understand CPU utilization issues, and correct memory leaks and temporary object allocations; Thread Debugger, whose interface shows the changing status of all threads and monitors; and Code Coverage, which displays how frequently each method and line of code is executed.

PolarLake to add Web services support to XML development tool

October 26 — PolarLake will release the next version of its XML development/deployment platform this December. In addition to Web services client and server support, PolarLake 1.2 will feature the PolarLake Designer, a development tool for delivering Java applications. Version 1.2 will also include the PolarLake Management Console, a distributed application management and deployment system.

ArtinSoft enhances automatic migration engine

October 26 — Informix 4GL, an automatic migration engine from ArtinSoft, now supports Java upgrades on Oracle and DB2. ArtinSoft’s tools enable companies to quickly migrate to J2EE (Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition) and CORBA platforms.

O’Reilly releases third edition of Enterprise JavaBeans

October 26 — In O’Reilly’s Enterprise JavaBeans, Third Edition, author Richard Monson-Haefel demonstrates the fundamentals of the EJB 2.0 and 1.1 architectures by explaining the underlying technology, Java classes and interfaces, component model, and runtime behavior of EJBs. In this edition, he covers entity beans, message-driven beans and the Java Message Service, and session beans. The book also features companion workbooks, which are available as free downloads. switches eStores to a Java-based platform

October 26 — has released eStores 4.0, its latest e-commerce solution that manages online stores and customers. Previously based on Pearl, the 4.0 version now supports Java. switched to Java to add greater flexibility and scalability to eStores.

Bali eases client development

October 19 — Spidertop has released a preview version of Bali, a software framework that links server and client Java technologies. The technology allows developers to develop client GUIs from Java application servers with no Java Foundation Classes (JFC) or Swing code. Included with Bali is a GUI composer that encodes JFC/Swing GUIs into a scripting language; it also features GUI descriptions inside JavaServer Pages (JSP) for deploying on servers based on J2EE (Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition).

JVision increases UML diagram support

October 19 — JVision 1.2 from Object Insight is now shipping. It features support for new UML diagrams, including Use Case, Robustness, Activity, and Deployment. Also integrated into JVision is a project manager that allows users to organize diagrams and a documentor, which turns the diagrams into Websites.

NeuArchitect accelerates Web services development

October 19 — NeuVis Software has updated NeuArchitect to version 3.5. NeuArchitect 3.5 is rapid application development (RAD) software that features a model-driven design environment and automatic code generation. The product also includes an XML messaging system that supports Java Message Service (JMS).

InstallAnywhere 4.5 now available

October 19 — Zero G is now shipping the latest version of its software deployment solution. InstallAnywhere allows software producers to develop custom solutions for installing software onto client or server platforms. Version 4.5 features PowerUpdate, Zero G’s software updating solution, and support for Mac OS X.

MKS launches code assessment tool

October 19 — MKS has released MKS Code Integrity Standard Edition, a software quality assessment and trend-reporting tool for C/C++ and Java. Among other functions, the tool automatically checks code against industry-accepted rules and provides a graphical and textual quality assessment report that pinpoints areas of noncompliance for correction.

Cape Clear releases Web services products

October 19 — CapeConnect Three, a new Web services platform from Cape Clear Software, features tools for building Web services that communicate via email or a UDDI (Universal Description Discovery and Integration) registry. Supported by upgraded Web services development tool CapeStudio, CapeConnect Three can support Web services built on J2EE (Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition) app servers, Microsoft .Net, and CORBA.

Versant completes benchmark testing on enJin

October 19 — Following testing at IBM’s High Volume Websites Lab, Versant reports that Versant enJin, when used in Java-based enterprise apps, shows significant performance improvements. The company’s transaction accelerator for application servers was tested with IBM’s WebSphere application server. Results showed that round trip response times ran 10 times faster, throughput increased by a factor of 9, and data access speeds were 50 times faster.

EspressChart EJB offers data visualization for Web-based apps

October 12 — Quadbase Systems has released EspressChart EJB, an Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) component that allows developers to include dynamic charts and graphs in distributed applications. This EBJ 1.1-compliant product can render data in 28 2D or 3D chart types and generate charts in the following image formats: GIF, JPEG, PNG, BMP, WMF, and VMRL. In addition, EspressChart EJB can directly draw data from Java Database Connectivity/Open Database Connectivity sources, text files, XML files, or from another application layer as an argument.

Software Tree updates JDX

October 12

— JDX 3.0, Software Tree’s objection-relational (OR) mapping tool, features many new enhancements including JDX Studio, a GUI tool for defining/verifying OR-mapping, forward-engineering database schema, and reverse-engineering Java classes. Other improvements include dynamic data routing for queries, partial object loading, and configurable logging destination.

eTeks launches Jeks and JeksParser

October 12 — eTeks has introduced Jeks 1.0, a Java spreadsheet application that allows formula computation in cells. The product’s classes use JTable‘s TableModel, CellRenderer, and CellEditor concepts to help developers add spreadsheet features to their own tables. eTeks has also unveiled JeksParser, a Java library that parses, compiles, and computes mathematical expressions and functions.

DCT to preview new SDK

October 12 — At JavaOne Yokohma/Japan, DCT (Digital Communication Technologies) will launch the SDK for its Lightfoot processor core. Combined with DCT’s hardware, the SDK will enable designers to execute both Java and non-Java-based programs. With a customizable instruction set, the 32-bit Lightfoot processor core implements an architecture that delivers embedded Java systems with low memory footprints. The processor also executes many bytecodes in a single instruction cycle.

Fujitsu’s app server now J2EE-compatible

October 5, 2001 — Fujitsu Software’s Interstage Application Server 4.0 has completed Sun Microsystems’ Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) Compatibility Test Suite (CTS) for Windows, Linux, and Solaris operating systems. Interstage conforms to J2EE 1.2 — which includes Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB), JavaServer Pages (JSP), servlets, Java Messaging Service (JMS), and Java Transaction API (JTA).

Hypercom and 360Commerce partner to deliver Java-based payment solution

October 5, 2001 — Hypercom’s ICE touch-screen card payment terminal is now certified to work with 360Commerce Java-based software applications. Hypercom’s ICE 6000 comes equipped with JavaPOS signature drivers to offer multi-channel services.

Fujitsu to incorporate Java into its multimedia products

October 5, 2001 — Fujitsu Microelectronics and Digital Communication Technologies (DCT) have developed a high-performance embedded Java core for ASIC and ASSP applications. This new architecture removes Java-related bottlenecks and eases integration with existing application and system code.

Que releases Special Edition Using Enterprise JavaBeans 2.0

October 5, 2001 — In Special Edition Using Enterprise JavaBeans 2.0, Chuck Cavaness and Brian Keeton cover Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) 2.0 and the underlying technologies key to enterprise Java development. The authors address transactions, security, exception handling, and performance tuning, and discuss new features such as local client views, EJB 2.0 container-managed persistence, and message-driven beans.
