How to Create Private, Closed or Secret Group on Facebook - Quertime
Facebook groups are a great way to connect people with same interests all over the world. However sometimes you want to create a private group just for your friends or family members and you don’t want it accessible by other people. With the Facebook’s privacy setting for groups, you can hide not only the group’s activity, but also its existence.
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To create a private, closed or secret group, click “Create Group…” and select the following privacy settings from the menu located at the bottom of the dialogue box that pops up:-
- Open: Anyone can see the group, who’s in it, and what members post.
- Closed: Anyone can see the group and who’s in it. Only members see posts.
- Secret: Only members see the group, who’s in it, and what members post.
If you set the privacy setting as “Secret”, non-members won’t be able to find your group at all. Moreover, Facebook does not allow members share status updates from a secret group to their own personal feeds. This prevents someone from accidentally outing you with a click.
If you’ve already created the group, go to the group’s home page and click the Edit Group button.
Click the Privacy drop down menu and change the setting.