How to Connect Twitter with Facebook to Automatically Update Your Twitter Status on Facebook - Quertime

Do you know that you can connect Twitter and Facebook accounts together by installing Twitter application (by Twitter)? Every time you update your Twitter, your Facebook status will update automatically. This app saves your time and hassle of logging into 2 websites to just update your current status. However, prior installing it, you may need to change your browser settings to enable cookies or install some plug-ins to view the website of this application. Please share this article with your friends if you find it useful.


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How to Install Twitter Application on Facebook

1. Go to

2. Click on Go to App button at the left of the page (Alternatively, it can be accessed directly at

3. Log in to your Facebook account

4. Enter your Twitter username and password then click Allow button

5. Your Facebook and Twitter accounts are now connected. Check the Facebook Profile box to allow Twitter to post updates to Facebook.
Note: Tweets that are @ replies and direct messages will not be posted.

6. Click on Allow button so that your Twitter can post status messages, notes, photos, and videos to your Facebook wall.

7. That’s all! The app should be working now.
