Fix: Discord MIC not working with these 5 Solutions


Discord MIC not working and not picking up MIC are common issues you encounter while using it.

Discord is the best-known voice chat application to communicate with friends while playing games.

Some streamers use Discord while streaming games on Discord is stream-friendly, so your streaming software can pick your MIC input at the same time you voice chat with friends using same MIC.

Problems can occur anytime, and when Discord is not picking up your MIC you can fix that using solutions below.

Unable to hear people on discord, try this troubleshoot guide instead.

discord mic not working

Why Discord MIC not working?

When Discord work insane follow and apply these instructions to fix any Discord issues with MIC. There can be many issues, we’re starting with the one, where the MIC shows disabled and does not enable when clicking on it.

1. Change MIC setting

This is the method I use when Discord MIC not working, so you’ll see disabled MIC icon and when you click on it — nothing happens. This issue occurs even if your MIC is working fine. This happened with me too and this is the solution to fix discord not picking up a MIC. You need to change site settings so it can revoke MIC permission and then you can allow it to access the microphone.

discord voice chat not working

When using discord web interface, Proceed as follows.

  1. Login to discord, and from address bar click the secure icon button before site domain. From here click Site settings (as shown in image).mic not working on discord
  2. A new page will open, the third option is Microphone, toggle it to Ask or Allow. If it’s set to Ask, then choose allow and vise versa.discord not picking up mic
  3. Close this page, the browser now prompt to refresh Discord page, click refresh page. Even if it does not manually refresh Disord page.discord not recognizing mic
  4. Click on the MIC and it should work just fine. However, if it does not solve your problem and your friends can’t hear you. Tty resetting voice settings, check next solution for how to reset voice settings in Discord.discord not recognizing mic

2. Reset voice settings

The second solution helps either when you’re stuck at ICE checking or MIC doesn’t pick up your voice even if Icon MIC shows it working. This works in both web interface and Discord desktop app. The similar settings present in the Discord Mobile app.

To reset discord voice settings, proceed as follows.

  1. From left-bottom click Settings icon.discord mic not working
  2. Choose Voice and scroll to the bottom of the page.
  3. Press reset voice settings button and this should fix discord not picking up MIC on your computer.discord mic not working

This solves most of the problems including, background noise, echo and noise suppression. And since the button reset all settings to their default, chances are Discord now will work well with MIC. If still, your MIC doesn’t work with discord you need to check it’s input sensitivity. A low input sensitivity grabs background noise while higher input sensitivity doesn’t pick up your voice. A balance between both is recommended, to check MIC input settings check the next method.

3. Increase MIC Input sensitivity

How to set correct input sensitivity?

A balance between low and high input sensitivity is required. So you need to check whether it’s set too high.

  • Click the user Settings icon.

discord mic not working

  • Open the setting, and don’t say anything, put the slider to zero and see how much noise is around you. The bar will indicate background noise level, now set the slider to near to the level. This should make Discord to pick up your voice while reducing almost background noise.

mic not working on discord

Sometimes when Push to talk is enabled MIC doesn’t pick up your MIC unless you set hotkeys and know how to use. Puch to talk is required in some voice channel depending on the owner (if they set) But if it’s your Discord server, there is no reason to use Push to talk instead of Voice activity.

4. Check if Discord is able to listen to you.

Join a voice channel and when you speak, you can see a blue circle around your profile, that way you can figure out Discord is picking up your voice. Sometimes a similar problem when your friends DP shows a blue circle but you won’t be able to listen to them.

5. Change Input and choose the correct hardware.

If there are multiple sound hardware attached to the computer, make sure to set your preferred MIC as default for all recording purpose.

From Discord settings.

a. Change input volume to 100%

b. Output volume to 100% and more if needed.

c. Choose the correct microphone from the menu. and set the Microphone as default. To see how it’s done, proceed as follows.

From Windows Settings.

a. Set that MIC as default.

b. Don’t use Microphone boost.

Discord not picking up MIC

If discord is unable to detect your MIC even after you tried all the steps above it’s time to check if MIC really works on the computer. To find out do check these steps to ensure you have a working MIC.

  1. Search Sound and open it, or access it from Control Panel > Sound.
  2. Switch to recording tab, and try to speak something, if your MIC hardware picks and displays green bars, means you’re good to go.
  3. If it doesn’t try to connect MIC again, maybe restart your computer.

1. You’re using a Pitch software

Some people use software to change their voice pitch in order to sound more robot, kid or woman. But that does nasty things to Discord MIC input, as you’ve to set a virtual Microphone as default so the software can work. But it reduces the voice input, makes you speak loud as hell in Discord otherwise your friends could not hear your voice.

If you really depend on the software, purchase a professional MIC. Otherwise, you can just un-install pitch shifter or similar software form your computer. This should again default MIC input sensitivity.

2. Time for a new MIC

Old and cheap MIC does work but they are not good when you’re a streamer or YouTube. Before buying a new MIC you should consider these things.

  • PC’s 3.5mm jack supports TRS type. Some microphone has TRRS cable.
  • Laptop support both TRRS and TRS, Earphone with built-in MIC also works.

TRRS MIC will have 4 points at the end of the cable that goes into PC’s 3.5mm jack. While TRS has 3 points.

Things should be clear by now. Discord has made possible to voice-community while playing games like PUBG where team communication is very important. Well, try to go solo in a squad match and you’ll know why.
