Net Express helps quicken time to market for development teams

Merant International’s tool automatically converts COBOL-based business logic into EJBs What do you do if you need to renew COBOL code but your developers are using sophisticated component-based technologies and working in large teams? Merant International Net Express 3.1 might…

Sun tries to boost Java-on-Linux uptake

Java’s steward announces two distribution agreements to expand J2SE on Linux platforms San Jose, Calif. (August 15, 2000) — Sun Microsystems announced at the LinuxWorld Conference & Expo two agreements designed to expand the distribution of J2SE (Java 2 Standard…

Exceptions in Java: Nothing exceptional about them

Exceptions in Java: Nothing exceptional about them

Exception handling in Java from top to bottom Java projects rarely feature a consistent and thorough exception-handling strategy. Often, developers add the mechanism as an afterthought or an as-you-go addition. Significant reengineering during the coding stage can make this oversight…

Help with the Java Communications API

Use this API to communicate with a serial port Q: I need to append a 1,000-byte StringBuffer to a file. These characters are read by my SerialConnection (main program) class from the serial port. I cannot seem to find a…

Java threads may not use all your CPUs

Java threads may not use all your CPUs

Simple testing reveals a major flaw in Java 1.1.7 on Solaris 2.6 Enterprise-level applications often need more CPU power than a single-CPU machine can provide, but getting applications to effectively use multiple CPUs can be tricky. If you’re lucky, you…

Encapsulate reusable functionality in JSP tags

Build your own custom JSP tag with Tomcat Like HTML, JavaServer Pages (JSP) use the concept of tags as their building blocks. A handful of tags are available to you as a JSP developer, allowing you to embed Java code,…

Sun investigates Java security flaw in Netscape browser

Java bug allows unsigned applets to read and dispense files from a user’s computer August 8, 2000 — Sun Microsystems is investigating a security flaw that has popped up involving the use of Java in Netscape’s Navigator browser. The bug,…

AS/400 leads the league in Java performance

IBM’s AS/400 server rocks the house in two Java benchmarks Some people still view IBM’s AS/400 as merely a character-based legacy platform, but that’s light-years from today’s reality. The AS/400’s glittering appearance at several recent Java benchmark parties was reminiscent…

Legacy application transformation

How do you transform legacy COBOL code into Web-enabled Java applications? These tools can help! The push for businesses to compete at Internet speed has only just begun. Unfortunately for many companies, tapping in to the efficiencies of e-business also…