10 Of Our Most Popular Posts About iPads In Education
With that, below are ten of our most popular iPad posts, in no certain order, because, well, we don’t play favorites around here (even if you do). And if you suspect there might be a follow up post with ten more, you might be on to something.
1. The Past, Present, and Future of the iPad in Learning
A look at the evolution of the iPad’s use in the classroom in stages: the early ‘Gee Wiz’ era, the current App era, and the coming Personalized era.
2. 25 Ways to Use the iPad in the Classroom by Complexity
A graphic created in collaboration with Edudemic that demonstrates exactly how the iPad can be used in your classroom framed by the three innate skills of Apple’s tablet: Consumption, Collaboration, and Production.
3. 10 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Deploying iPads
This posts lays outs ten questions that can help you better understand how the iPad might function in your classroom.
4. What the iPad Has Done to Education
The iPad is great, but what does it actually ‘do’ in the classroom? This post explores the function of the tablet PC in a learning environment.
5. 12 Characteristics of an iPad-Ready Classroom
Is your classroom ‘ready’ for iPads? What are the characteristics of a classroom or curriculum that is setup to absorb and leverage the iPad’s features?
6. How to Capture Ideas Visually with the iPad
iPads are not often asked to record thinking and ideas from scratch, but since students are so often asked to do so, shouldn’t they be?
7. What the iPad’s Popularity Says About Education
The iPad is popular and in some cases polarizing. This post draws conclusions on the state of education based on that popularity. What does the fact that you want an iPad in your classroom-or you don’t—say about you?
8. Three Apps to Create eBooks with the iPad
Helping students publish with the iPad is among its best-kept secrets. This post offers three apps that can help.
9. Solving the Riddle of iPad Integration
The challenge of workflow—assigning work, collaborating on projects, collecting finished products—is a considerable one. This post created in collaboration with the Tabula Project explores where we are.
10. 25 iPad Apps for Beginning and Struggling Readers
An iPad is nothing without apps, and this post offers up 50 apps for beginning and struggling readers.