Services briefs

WorldCom, Compaq join to advance Web hosting

WorldCom, Compaq join to advance Web hosting

Compaq and WorldCom announced this week that they have joined to co-market Web hosting and Internet collocation services under the WorldCom brand using Compaq hardware and software. WorldCom and Compaq will jointly sell and market a combination of products and services for Web hosting and collocation services, using preconfigured Compaq ProLiant servers and StorageWorks hosting software as well as Compaq’s consulting and customer support services, the companies said.

American Express inksdeal with IBM

American Express has signed a $4 billion, seven-year contract with IBM’s global services unit, which will assume management of nearly all of American Express’ IT operations. IBM will take over provisioning and management of American Express’ computer systems, from mainframes to desktops, and will handle the company’s Web hosting, database administration, and help desk operations. American Express estimates that it will save several hundred million dollars during the life of the contract, which carries extension options.

Intel tool to clock Webbased applications

Intel this week detailed a tool it plans to release for testing the performance of Web applications on its chips. At the Intel Developer Forum, the company previewed the tool called the VTune Enterprise Analyzer, which it plans to release this year. The tool will allow developers to test the performance of Web-based applications as they send and process information on the Internet. Developers would use the tool to diagnose various interactions that take place between the components.
