Register to vote in this fall’s first-ever JCP elections

Java community to elect representatives for JCP Executive Committees

The first Java Community Process (JCP) Executive Committee election quickly approaches, as does the September 27 eligibility deadline for the first round of voting. Starting in October, eligible members of the Java community will begin selecting representatives to serve on the first JCP Executive Committees.

Elected to three-year terms, the members of these committees will supervise new Java development initiatives and the maintenance of existing Java technologies through the JCP. Their duties will include selecting JSRs (Java Specification Requests), approving draft specifications for public review, evaluating TCK (Technology Compatibility Kit) appeals, and granting maintenance revisions. In December, the newly-elected Standard/Enterprise Executive Committee and Micro Edition Executive Committee will relieve the interim committee that has been overseeing these tasks since June.

Voters will select 10 ratified seats and 5 elected seats per committee. Sun Microsystems holds one permanent seat on each committee. The Process Management Office (PMO) will nominate members to fill each ratified seat. JCP members will then vote to ratify each nominee, with those nominees who receive a majority vote winning ratification. If one or more nominees are not ratified, the PMO will nominate additional committee members.

The elected seats follow a slightly different process. Members of the Java community may nominate any developer — including themselves — to serve as an elected committee member. After the PMO accepts the nominations, eligible JCP members will vote for five members out of the list of nominees, with the top five candidates receiving the elected seats.

To vote in the election for the ratified seats, you must be registered with the JCP by 11:59 p.m. PDT on September 27. The deadline to register for the elected seats is 11:59 p.m. PDT on October 27. Any Java developer can register with the JCP; membership entails signing a Java Specification Participation Agreement (JSPA; see Resources for membership requirements).

2000 JCP Election timeline:

  • September 27: Ratification eligibility deadline
  • September 29: Ratification ballot posted
  • October 1-14: Ratification voting for 10 nominated seats per EC (note: if any of the 10 are voted down, a new ratification vote must be held)
  • October 18-31: Nominations open for elected seats
  • October 27: Election eligibility deadline
  • October 31: Election ballot posted
  • November 1-14: Elections for the remaining five seats on each EC
  • December 12: Elected EC members take office

Future JCP elections will follow a similar timeline each fall. The EC members’ three-year terms will be staggered so that 5 of the 15 seats will be selected each year.

Jennifer Wilson is an associate editor at
