The smart approach to distributed performance monitoring with Java

The smart approach to distributed performance monitoring with Java

Discover a lightweight, noninvasive mechanism for performance monitoring and data caching in RMI and Java IDL applications If you’re developing distributed applications, you probably want to measure the performance characteristics of your applications to find out which remote methods —…

Class action

Discover more about creating Java classes In the last Java 101 column, I presented the different primitive types that Java supports. I also discussed variables, their scope and characteristics, and the various places where developers can implement them. In addition,…

Site links developers directly to projects

The HotDispatch marketplace brings Java developers and companies together — worldwide August 28, 2000 — Software developers worldwide are taking advantage of a Web-based exchange by which they sell their expertise in Java, Linux, and other software technologies directly to…

Brewing entity Enterprise JavaBeans

Harness the power of entity beans Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) represents a fundamental change in the world of enterprise software. The EJB specification provides the software development community with the component model, maintains interoperability between EJB and non-EJB applications (including non-Java-based…

JDK 1.2 breaks the Java sound barrier

Learn how to implement JDK 1.2’s high-quality sound Earlier versions of the JDK produced audio through an applet or an application in .au format only, which provided support for 8,000 Hz mono 8-bit mu-Law-encoded audio clips. That fairly substandard sound…

Java being extended to data analysis

Industry players team up to develop a Java-based OLAP specification August 22, 2000 — IBM, Sun Microsystems, Oracle, and Hyperion Solutions are codeveloping a Java-based, platform-independent specification for creating and managing data in OLAP (online analytical processing) servers. JOLAP (Java-based…

Programming restrictions on EJB

Learn to write reliable and portable EJB 1.1 components Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) is a specification and architecture for the development and deployment of distributed server-side, transactional, and secure business application components. The EJB architecture is the basis and core of…

PERCobol whips COBOL into shape for budget-minded enterprises

LegacyJ’s PERCobol 2.5 offers low-cost COBOL-to-Java code conversion LegacyJ’S PERCobol 2.5 is a low-cost tool that’s best suited for companies with small and midsize conversion projects. If you’re looking to reinvigorate portions of your COBOL resources without imposing a high…