Sometimes I Make Myself Laugh! | Martech Zone

LaughI have to tell you folks… I think my last post was one of the most fun I’ve ever written. As you should see by my picture in the header, I very seldom take myself seriously. As well, in the past I’ve written quite a bit about what I think about gauging your success on what other people say about you. A blog’s success can’t be measured externally, only by you!

With that, I have to admit that I conned all of you. I wanted to see the reaction of my readers… and the blogosphere… when I wrote my terrible title that eluded to ‘my blog is better than your blog‘. It was totally tongue in cheek, but I had to see the reaction. It was quite funny! (Please… I promise I’m laughing with you, not at you!). Some folks felt bad for me, some were steamed at me, some then compared their rating to my rating, and some pointed out that ranking has nothing to do with how good a blog is.

I like to be clever sometimes to see that the reactions are… stir the pot as they say. Perhaps the funniest part of this (I hope I’m not the only one chuckling), is that the popularity of this entry moved me up to #70,178 in the Technorati rankings.

So, as a marketer, I think it points to a couple things.

  • Chris Baggott once told me that sometimes it’s good to be in the middle of an argument and provoking a response can absolutely help in the long run with a company’s strategy. He doesn’t mean manipulate… he simply means that it brings about the opportunity to show off your stuff. In this example, I guess it worked!
  • Sometimes simply suggesting that you’re more important than you really are can work. That, perhaps, is a sad truth that we can be manipulated by marketing. Keep saying that you’re #1 and maybe someday you will be!

Maybe in a couple months I’ll do a sneak attack and claim to be the #1 blog on Marketing Automation and see where it gets me. For now, though, I’m simply happy that I didn’t lose any of you with my last entry!
