Let your Computer say Welcome on startup

As of most tutorial written in this website, this tutorial will also not need any software. After reading this tutorial you will able to make your Windows 7 PC talk and greet you on every start up in the way you like.
What we are going to do?
We will make a VB script and place it in Windows 7 Start up folder. There after, every time you log in, a voice will greet you after the start up sound (if enabled).
Step 1
Open Notepad. Copy paste the code written below:


Now, change my name to yours inside the code. In-fact, you can change and place any sentence within the quotation mark in the code. I have tested, it works fine upto 5 words. You can change the spelling, add space, punctuation etc to make it more realistic.

For example, I want to hear my name as “Oh-bhi-shake” ; so I will write there “Oh bhi shake”.


Here is the screenshot:



Now, Save it as “Greetings.vbs” (without quotes) and as I always say, change the file from text to “all files“. Save it to some location, you can remember; say Desktop. Here is screenshot of this step:



Step 2


Now, we have to place it inside the Windows Startup folder. Click the Start-Button, choose “All Programs” and you will find it as a folder named Startup. Right Click it and choose Open or Explore. (Look the address bar in the screenshot below):

Copy the VBS file you have created and paste there. You must be logged on as Admin. A security prompt will come, just accept it:


Step 3


Just restart the computer and you will hear the voice!
To disable it, just delete the file.
Now, we will go to further details.


Type of voices: In Windows 8, Windows 7 and Windows Vista, the default female voice is Anna. In Windows XP and 2000 its Sam.


There is way to change the settings of this default voice in Windows 7 and Vista too.
Click the Start Button, type “narrator” without quotes:


Narrator will open and begin to speak:

Just click the “Voice settings” and you will get this window:

There are third party voices available for installation, the world’s quality best is if of Ket, but not available outside bulk purchase. Quality wise, Anna is next to it.

Additional settings:

You can add some parameters too! For example:

Here, volume is defined in percentage. Other commands are:

More Information on this Article

This article Let your Computer say Welcome on startup was first published on a free website from where we migrated later to this domain. The number of social shares can not be really counted – the old website had no social sharing button! Google Plus, Pinterest were not even ‘discovered’ !

This article Let your Computer say Welcome on startup was written for a person who is no longer is within us.

We do not write on Microsoft Windows anymore. You can read advanced guide like Text to Speech Server on Cloud Platform.


Tagged With
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Source: thecustomizewindows.com