Its quite easy few steps. You dont need to buy any third party software to do this. Follow these easy steps:1. Open Movie Maker from Start Menu:2. Click on “Add Video and Photos” tab:
3. Select the folder you want. open the folder, either insert them one by one or press [ctrl] + [A] to select all, click “open”:
4. Now, you will see all the photos has been added:
5. Click animation tab. Select the animation effect you want for each photo object. Note that, Video files can also be added in between:
6. Click “Add Music” if you want Music (you can add recored voice annotation too):
7. Animation Speed can be adjusted from “Visual Effects” tab.
8. You can choose “Auto Movie” if you want the things to be a bit automated. Otherwise you have to add Title, Caption, Credits and there animation manually:
9. Save the Slide show as you want or you can choose “Publish Movie” to directly upload to YouTube. Done!
Tagged With
create movie photo show with effects transitions and music animation , how to make photo slideshow with music and captions , utube adding sotosound and animation to photos