Category General

The Jxta solution to P2P

The Jxta solution to P2P

Sun’s new network computing platform establishes a base infrastructure for peer-to-peer application development Today’s Internet is witnessing a revolution. A revolution that strives to change one of its basic features. A revolution where network endpoints — or clients, such as…

Java Tip 118: Utilize the EjbProxy

Invoke remote EJBs with a simple utility class If you’ve ever worked with Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB), you’ve probably written code to access the EJB from the client program or written code to access it from another EJB. Usually, those code…

RMI books hit the shelves

RMI books hit the shelves

Learn RMI with a book that suits your programming needs Until recently, if you wanted up-to-date information about Java’s Remote Method Invocation (RMI), you had to piece together information from magazines, tutorials, and mailing lists. A few Java books provided…

Avoid synchronization deadlocks

Use a consistent, defined synchronization ordering to keep your apps running In my earlier article “Double-Checked Locking: Clever, but Broken” (JavaWorld, February 2001), I described how several common techniques for avoiding synchronization are in fact unsafe, and recommended a strategy…

Amaze your developer friends with design patterns

Amaze your developer friends with design patterns

<strong>Java Design Patterns</strong> column kicks off with a look at three important design patterns Welcome to the first installment of JavaWorld‘s Java Design Patterns. This column will explore, strictly from a Java perspective, many of the design patterns discussed in…

Don’t be late for that important date

Specify date formats in Java October 5, 2001 Q: I would like to retrieve the current date in yyyyMMdd form. What is the easiest way to do that? A: The easiest way to format a Date object or a date…

Jini in the age of reusable applications

Groupware, Jini, and Web services: A conversation with Dr. Ted Achacoso Dr. Ted Achacoso has a prescription for the improved health of enterprise distributed systems. Initially trained as a medical doctor, Dr. Achacoso now serves as CTO of GroupServe. GroupServe…

Java Product News (updated October 5, 2001)

Fujitsu’s app server now J2EE-compatible; Que releases <em>Special Edition Using Enterprise JavaBeans 2.0</em>; and more Fujitsu’s app server now J2EE-compatible Fujitsu Software’s Interstage Application Server 4.0 has completed Sun Microsystems’ Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) Compatibility Test Suite (CTS)…

Java Product News (updated October 12, 2001)

EspressChart EJB offers data visualization for Web-based apps; eTeks launches Jeks and JeksParser; Software Tree updates JDX; and more EspressChart EJB offers data visualization for Web-based apps October 12 — Quadbase Systems has released EspressChart EJB, an Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB)…