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Apps For Game-Based Learning: The Sandbox

A Brilliant App That Brings STEM To Life

This Brilliant App Brings STEM To Life  We’ve talked before about Numberphile, a site (and YouTube channel) for students that they think they hate math. Well, for its broader STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math) counterpart, may we introduce you…

Serving Is The New Selling | Martech Zone

Serving is the New Selling

I attended an Indianapolis AMA luncheon where Joel Book spoke about Marketing to the Power of One. His presentation contained a plethora of great information around using digital marketing to serve customers more effectively. Although, there were several takeaways from…

How to factory reset android phone when it is locked


There is no room for discussion regarding either the smartness or productivity of Google Android, as most of Android device users are well known about the fact! Indeed, Android is a prominent reason for Smartphones to become ‘Smart’phones. The biggest…