Meaningless choice is no choice

When your options multiply, watch out I’m a firm believer in being able to make the important decisions in my life, free from interference, whether from the government, corporations, or just plain busybodies. But choice, like most other things, can…

Avoid a search engine ban

Optimization software may lead to your site being downgraded Some of the techniques that Web sites use to trick or “spam” search engines into listing them have apparently gone so far that at least one major index is reportedly planning…

Gabriel’s trumpet

Let the events of this past holiday season mark the end of time for inferior systems integration IN THE EARLY fourth quarter of last year, I used this space to predict an improved online shopping climate for the 2001 holiday…


Streamlining IT

Textron’s chief technologist is transforming the conglomerate’s operations with a tech infusion THE AMOUNT OF MONEY Textron Chief Technologist Phyllis Michaelides is helping the company save could easily total the annual operating budget of some smaller corporations. Last year she…

Selling outsourcing

Critical business initiatives are only as good as the around-the-clock technical support they get IF HAMLET HAD been a CTO, his famous monologue might have begun, “To outsource or not to outsource?” One of the greatest challenges for CTOs is…

Palm readings and death by XP

STUNNED BY THE show of e-mail support for her pro-Canadian sentiments last week, Amber wonders whether she should start a new crusade. “Political activism could be the distraction from IT that I’ve been looking for,” she claimed. Palm’s OS crusade…

Campfire wisdom

Before you redesign internal relationships, listen to tales that tell the truth about those relationships now MANAGEMENTSPEAK: I propose a series of “discussion meetings” to resolve this issue you have raised. TRANSLATION: By avoiding an agenda, the actual issue at…

Rewarding punishment

Giving Microsoft a foothold in American schools isn’t even a slap on the wrist, it’s a Swedish massage I’VE RECEIVED A number of requests to address the pending (as of this writing) settlement of the civil anti-trust lawsuit against Microsoft.…

PDAs in a pod

Design quirks hinder the Audiovox Maestro, near-twin to Toshiba’s e570, in the fast-paced Pocket PC race WITH THE RELEASE of Microsoft’s Pocket PC 2002 specification, which raised the bar for Windows PDA performance, Toshiba decided the time was right to…

Bosworth’s second take

After being pushed around by Microsoft, a Web services champion seeks a comeback with his own development tools SECOND ACTS ARE rare. The exceptions prove the rule: Richard Nixon in politics, Bob Dylan and Miles Davis in music, Babe Ruth…