Reliable messaging

Kenamea Application Network delivers a next-generation communications layer atop HTTP THE HTTP PROTOCOL is both the greatest strength and the Achilles’ heel of the Web services movement. Yes, it’s wonderful that SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) messages can go everywhere…

A censorship test case

New York accuses Network Associates of trying to limit free speech in its McAfee clickwrap agreement COULD FREEDOM of speech and freedom of the press be lost to the fine print? Don’t dismiss the possibility. We may have already lost…

Closing SNMP gaps

Alert sends companies scurrying to check SNMP traffic and the long list of affected devices ON FEB. 12, the Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) went public with a series of vulnerabilities in SNMP Version 1, the widely used standard for…

The price of security

Wireless technology creates a conundrum: Give me liberty or give me privacy, but I can’t have both DOES WIRELESS make America more secure and a little less free? The answer is probably yes to both. But whether that worries you…

Dissatisfied customers

CTOs can rescue their companies from shortsighted business strategies “If you go into a situation with nothing planned, sometimes wonderful stuff happens.” — Jerry Garcia BAD NEWS for BIG BIG/GAS (Business Is Great/Government and Academics are Stupid) is a ridiculous…


Comergent chases channel efficiency

CEO Jean Kovacs and CTO Bill York talk about partner relationship management AS ENTERPRISES SEEK to build efficient channels, it seems business intelligence, PRM (partner relationship management), application integration, and Web services are headed for a collision course. Redwood City,…

Java Product News (updated March 1, 2002)

O’Reilly publishes <em>Web Services Essentials;</em> Espial and announce developer contest; and more O’Reilly publishes Web Services Essentials March 1 — In Web Services Essentials, Ethan Cerami explores four technologies used in Web services development: XML Remote Procedure Calls (XML-RPC),…

Persist data with Java Data Objects, Part 1

Grasp the qualities behind an ideal persistence layer “Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.” Albert Einstein The need to persist data created at runtime is as old as computing. And the need to store object-oriented…

Write once, persist anywhere

Implement a Data Access Object pattern framework The Data Access Object (DAO) pattern provides an abstraction layer between the business logic tier (business object) and the persistent storage tier (data source). Business objects access data sources via data access objects.…

Study guide: Exceptions to the programming rules, Part 1

Brush up on Java terms, learn tips and cautions, review homework assignments, and read Jeff’s answers to student questions Glossary of terms error code testing The use of program instructions (such as if statements) to examine return values (to see…