Alternative deployment methods, Part 3: The code

Alternative deployment methods, Part 3: The code

Examine the code and techniques used in an alternative deployment tool In the first two parts of this series, I described the shortcomings of most popular methods of deploying Java applications, and proposed a solution that tackles many of those…

Private and final?

Is it necessary to declare a private method final? Q: Given that: private methods cannot be overridden by subclasses final methods cannot be overridden by subclasses final methods allow for faster code when compiled with optimizations on (javac -O) My…

News and new product briefs (September 15, 2000)

INDEXHEAD: Build Java apps faster with JBuilder 4 Inprise/Borland has announced the release of JBuilder 4, the latest version of its Java cross-platform development environment. JBuilder rapidly creates business, database, and distributed applications based on the Java 2 platform. Version…

Launching into Java

New client-side technologies bring Java apps out of the Web and onto the desktop A long time ago, Java programmers were promised something like “class loaders that load resources from the Internet.” Today, we still can’t add the network to…

JSP templates

JSP templates

Use JSP templates to encapsulate Webpage layout and encourage modular design Although Web development tools are rapidly progressing, they still lag behind most graphical user interface (GUI) toolkits such as Swing or VisualWorks Smalltalk. For example, traditional GUI toolkits provide…

Activatable Jini services, Part 1: Implement RMI activation

Activatable Jini services, Part 1: Implement RMI activation

The RMI activation framework can produce self-sufficient, flexible Jini services A fundamental shift is taking place in the systems architectures of major software vendors. Presently, the industry aims to deliver services via software in such a way that users can…

String cheese

What String parameters are acceptable? Q: I’ve got two String -related questions. The Java API lists several classes that take a String parameter, but no information is given as to which String parameters are acceptable. As an example, the InputStreamClass…