News and New Product Briefs (May 12, 2000)

Compaq’s NonStop Himalaya adds J2EE support Compaq has unveiled the S74 line of NonStop Himalaya servers and announced that the entire NonStop Himalaya product line will support the J2EE platform. Compaq’s S74 servers rely on Infiniband-ready ServerNetII technology and is…

Sun dealt another blow in Java dispute with Microsoft

Federal judge rejects two Sun-initiated summary judgement motions in Java copyright dispute May 8, 2000 — Sun Microsystems on Monday was dealt another small loss in its legal battle with Microsoft over the Java programming language. In a ruling issued…

CodeWarrior eases mobile app development

Metrowerk’s CodeWarrior PersonalJava Platform Edition 1.0 features a complete development environment for small Java devices For those companies that are making honest strides toward supporting wireless, mobile-computing devices in their enterprises, many programming challenges exist. The need to balance performance,…

Alternative deployment methods, Part 1: Beyond applets

Examine the software deployment problem and the requirements that a good deployment solution must satisfy You designed your client’s next big Java-based application, and now you must plan for its deployment. The end-user population consists primarily of several hundred nontechnical…

JFC: Why do you act like that?

Why do we have to add components to a JFrame’s content? Q: Why do we have to add components to a JFrame’s content pane? Why can’t we just add it directly to the frame like in the AWT? A: Actually,…

News and New Product Briefs (May 5, 2000)

Informix’s i.Sell WAP personalizes wireless market Informix expanded its i.Sell offerings by adding an i.Sell WAP module for Sun Microsystems’ Solaris operating environment. With the i.Sell WAP product, which makes use of the Wireless Applications Protocol (WAP), customers can use…

Create dynamic images in Java servlets

Create dynamic images in Java servlets

Dynamically convert users’ requests into an image Many Websites now use charts and graphs to represent some type of numeric information. In some cases, the chart or graph image is best constructed in realtime. Two reasons could motivate you to…

How handlers work in Web-accessible home automation

How handlers work in Web-accessible home automation

Using Sun Labs’ Brazil server as your starting point Developing consistent, reliable Web applications that interface with such different devices as home networks, home automation systems, and realtime telemetry devices can be vastly simplified by treating devices as URLs. The…

Server-side XML-to-HTML translation

How do you convert XML to HTML on the server side? Q: I want to generate XML-based pages using the XSL on the server side so that the client gets plain HTML, rather than the XML plus an XSL page.…