StringBuffer versus String

What is the performance impact of the StringBuffer and String classes? Java provides the StringBuffer and String classes, and the String class is used to manipulate character strings that cannot be changed. Simply stated, objects of type String are read…

Using the if-then-else framework, Part 1

Using the if-then-else framework, Part 1

Code maintainable branching logic with the if-then-else framework No one should have to read or maintain code shown in Listing 1 below. Code that includes nested ifs, as in this example, can be a maintenance nightmare. It is usually difficult…

Choosing an enterprise-wide standard Java IDE

Reap the benefits of a cross-platform IDE for enterprise development Today, as more corporations and systems integration vendors choose Java as the preferred language for development across n-application tiers, and the Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) and the Java Platform 2 Platform,…

SilverStream performs on Java 2

The <em>InfoWorld</em> Test Center reviews SilverStream’s Application Server 3.0 Once a mere programming language, Java has since transformed itself into an all-purpose environment for enterprise applications. With Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE), Sun has given developers a full suite of…

Script JavaBeans with the Bean Scripting Framework

Script JavaBeans with the Bean Scripting Framework

Add scripts to your JavaBeans or JavaBeans to your scripts The Bean Scripting Framework (BSF) is one of the more interesting Java offerings available free at IBM’s alphaWorks site (see Resources). BSF lets Java programs run scripts written in other…

Compiler optimizations

Can you count on compilers to optimize your Java code? Developers are accustomed to compilers from languages other than Java that support various optimizations. In development, code is typically compiled with optimizations turned off so that source-level debuggers can operate…

Programming XML in Java, Part 1

Programming XML in Java, Part 1

Create Java apps with SAX appeal So, you understand (more or less) how you would represent your data in XML, and you’re interested in using XML to solve many of your data-management problems. Yet you’re not sure how to use…

A multiline button is possible!

Can JButton create a multiline button? Q: Suppose I want to create the button with a label as shown below: “Your Name” “Name” will be on the second line. I tried to create it with: new JButton(“Your n Name”) Unfortunately,…

Java servlet books: A comparative review

Java servlet books: A comparative review

Find out where you can get the best servlet coverage Lately, I’m often asked which books on Java servlet and JavaServer Pages (JSP) I would recommend. In fact, even when I was at a local bookstore recently someone asked me…