Manage distributed sessions

To avoid a single point of failure, use a distributed architecture for managing sessions For a good description of what sessions are and what the problem with having sessions across multiple servlet servers is, refer to Thomas E. Davis and…

Reveal the magic behind subtype polymorphism

Reveal the magic behind subtype polymorphism

Behold polymorphism from a type-oriented point of view The word polymorphism comes from the Greek for “many forms.” Most Java developers associate the term with an object’s ability to magically execute correct method behavior at appropriate points in a program.…

Are smart coders the enemy?

JavaWorld forum members voice their doubts about XP JavaWorld readers are keenly interested in extreme programming, and that interest has been taken up in our forums. Recently, three members of JavaWorld’s Programming Theory & Practice discussion have voiced some doubts…

Survival of the fittest Jini services, Part 1

Survival of the fittest Jini services, Part 1

Ensure the quality of Web services in the age of calm computing In the near future, Frank Sommers argues, all information capable of digital capture will be recorded, and made available via the Web in the form of active, persistent…

Jato: The new kid on the open source block, Part 2

Jato: The new kid on the open source block, Part 2

Look in-depth at Java-to-XML translation Jato, a new open source Java/XML translator, provides an effective solution to interfacing Java applications and XML documents. In Part 1 of this series, I provided a quick overview of using Jato to transform from…

Spec for real-time Java inches closer

Sun aims to release a final version by year’s end Sun Microsystems Inc. is working with industry partners to develop a preliminary specification for real-time Java that it hopes to deliver by the end of this month, James Gosling, a…

Construct secure networked applications with certificates, Part 4

Authenticate clients and servers, and verify certificate chains Over the course of the last several months, you’ve learned about public-key cryptography, X.509 certificates, and certificate revocation lists. You’ve surveyed their associated Java classes, and you’ve come to understand their importance.…

Import overhead

Does importing an entire package slow down code? Q: Does importing an entire package cause any runtime or compile time overhead? For example, does: import java.util.* compared with: import java.util.Vector cause any added overhead? A: In answering your questions a…

Robust event logging with Syslog

Robust event logging with Syslog

Syslog is a fast, flexible, and easily extendable logging system An important part of any project, logging can be used as a debugging tool during development, and a troubleshooting tool once a system has been deployed in a production environment.…