
Keeping an eye on all your parts

Managing parts and services via support-chain collaboration helps reduce costs, downtime ALTHOUGH SCM (supply-chain management) and collaboration for finished goods has received much attention of late, management of service parts and content needed for maintenance and repair of goods already…

IT execs to hold tight on spending

Extreme caution pervades 2002 budgeting process EXTREME CAUTION IS likely to pervade the corporate budgeting process for much of 2002 as executives weigh what is needed to bring enterprises out of the economic slump. Many CIOs and CTOs are looking…


Looking inside

Enterprise search offers companies several options to deal with data overload See correction below IT SOUNDS SO SIMPLE: Good, basic enterprise tools that allow search-weary workers to hunt for — and actually find — pertinent data lurking within their own…


Approaching the board

Managing the board of directors’ expectations can be a tricky task for a CTO — and one that requires some advance planning THESE ARE TOUGH times for chief technology officers trying to obtain IT investments from their boards of directors.…

A botched case

The outcome of the antitrust lawsuit against Microsoft gives the company license to operate with impunity “YOUR HONOR, we find the defendant incredibly guilty!” — Jury foreman, Mel Brooks’ The Producers NEXT TIME I get a traffic ticket, here’s what…

A race against the clock

A new encryption standard on the horizon will eventually fall victim to Moore’s law as did its predecessors SOME OF YOU have wondered along with me if the U.S. government is ever going to get around to approving an updated…

Dawn of disruption

Disruptive technology innovations needn’t cause disarray; plan for change and keep your competitive edge WITH A FOCUS on core competencies, CIOs have been charged to get back to basics, squeeze maximum efficiency out of current infrastructures, and bring IT planning…

The ongoing dilemma

UCITA debate heats up again as a standby draft committee reviews proposals from its opponents FORGIVE ME if you get the feeling this is a column I’ve written before. When you’ve been talking about UCITA (Uniform Computer Information Transaction Act)…

Future of open source

Another growth year is ahead as open source continues its march on corporate servers and desktops WELL, THIS IS the column where I get to put on my magician’s hat and do my best to predict the future of open…

Man in the white suit

Remember this cautionary tale when disruptive technology that’s in the pipeline seeks to change the rules for everyone “CHANGE IS HARD,” said my friend Dave as 2001 wound down. “Yes, but not changing is harder,” I replied as Dick Clark…