UCITA, the undead

Just when you think another silver bullet has hit, UCITA proponents find a way to revive the monster I HAD HOPED by this point I could write UCITA’s final obituary. But the Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act is unfortunately showing…

Desktop penguins

Don’t underestimate the various Linux alternatives to popular Microsoft desktop applications MAYBE IT’S coincidence; maybe it’s just fate. I spent much of the last two weeks examining many of the latest products and projects that work toward a viable Linux…

Attachments in hand

METAmessage keeps BlackBerries and other handhelds in the loop E-MAIL IS THE primary collaboration tool of our time, and the e-mail attachment is what makes businesses tick. Even after organizations invest in document management systems and integrated collaboration environments, users…


Seamless service

DIGITAL IMPACT IS an ASP that focuses on augmenting the marketing capabilities of its clients. As CTO of Digital Impact, Gerardo Capiel is charged with making sure Digital Impact’s service seamlessly meshes with the marketing operations of its customers. In…

Get your act together

AMBER AND HER twin sister took a trip last weekend, so it was just me and the pooch. A little peace and quiet never hurt anybody, after all. And having Apache around to keep me company was great. He was…

How to avoid chaos

Proximity to developers can be the key to making sure that your project stays on track MANAGEMENTSPEAK: We’re going to guarantee delivery of a quality product. TRANSLATION: We’re aren’t ever going to deliver a product. — An anonymous IS Survivalist…

Gartner diary

While the official line on Web services may be ‘wait and see,’ XML is making its way into quite a few new products “ALL OF MY CLIENTS are asking about .Net. What is it? Do I need it?” “Hello, your…

Astute Observer

Network Instruments’ Observer Suite provides an easy, cost-effective way to audit use and spot misuse of WLANs AS WLANS (WIRELESS LANS) continue to be deployed throughout the enterprise, administrators need tools to help them audit wireless network installations, analyze performance,…

A Flash-forward look

Flash Remoting heralds a new generation of Internet apps MACROMEDIA’S MX product line, unveiled last week, charts a future for Internet applications that beckons two very different groups of developers. Flash MX on the client side and ColdFusion MX on…


It’s in the mail

Chairman Greg Olson tells how Sendmail can manage content, rein in costs associated with e-mail See correction below SENDMAIL IS THE venerable technology that moves the majority of electronic mail across the Internet. But the cryptic nature of Sendmail has…