Use JDOM to create and mutate XML
In Part 1 of this series, we introduced you to JDOM, and discussed how you can use it to extract information from an existing XML data source such as a file, input stream, or URL. Additionally, we covered the core JDOM classes and explained how those classes work together to represent an XML document.
TEXTBOX: TEXTBOX_HEAD: Easy Java/XML integration with JDOM: Read the whole series!
In this article, we tell the rest of the story and explain how you can modify XML documents or even create them from scratch. JDOM accomplishes those tasks, using standard conventions as much as possible, and lets you create, change, or move nearly every document component at runtime.
One word of warning before we begin: The JDOM API is in beta and subject to change until the 1.0 release. That release is expected within the next few months, but it may happen sooner or later, depending on when the JDOM community approves on the solidity of the design and implementation. Keep an eye on the JDOM Website for changes.
Creating a Document
In Part 1 you learned how to construct a JDOM Document
from an external source:
SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder(); // parameters control validation, etc
Document doc =;
It’s also possible and even easier to construct a JDOM Document
from scratch with no existing XML data store:
Element root = new Element("myRootElement");
Document doc = new Document(root);
As simple as that, you can construct an Element
and a Document
using that Element
as the document root. At that point, normal document manipulation can occur as well:
root.setText("This is a root element");
The above code sets the root element’s text content to the given string. If the Document
were to output now, using XMLOutputter
as discussed in Part 1, the result would be the following XML:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<root>This is a root element</root>
One major advantage of JDOM is that you don’t need to use factories or other advanced programming models to create either the JDOM Document
or constructs within the Document
. You can compare that to DOM, which requires the following code to accomplish the same task: (We cannot compare it to SAX because SAX is a read-only API.)
// DOM code:
// Creating the document is vendor-specific, or requires the use of JAXP
Document doc = new org.apache.xerces.dom.DocumentImpl();
// Create the root node and its text node, using the document as a factory
Element root = myDocument.createElement("myRootElement");
Text text = myDocument.createText("This is a root element");
// Put the nodes into the document tree
One thing you’ll notice is that with DOM you don’t have a standard way to create a Document
. You have to either use implementation-specific commands or use Sun Microsystems’ new JAXP API, which doesn’t work with all parsers and doesn’t yet support DOM2 and SAX 2.0. With JDOM, that is not an issue because JDOM documents are created through normal construction calls. You’ll also notice that a DOM Node
is always constructed through a factory method on its parent Document
. That poses the strange chicken-and-egg problem that a DOM Element
can only be created using a DOM Document
object, but an XML Document
should never exist without a root element! Again, with JDOM that is not an issue because elements can be created independently of documents.
Additionally, it is obvious how you move JDOM elements between documents: you simply move the children. Consider this example, where parent1
and parent2
are Element
s in different JDOM documents:
// Add to first document's element
Element movable = new Element("movableRootElement");
// Remove and add to another document's element
That straightforward move operation is possible because the JDOM Element
is not created by or tied to a specific Document
. In DOM, to accomplish that you must import the Element
from the first DOM Document
to the second, and then perform the append; a direct move fails to execute.
// DOM code:
Element movable = doc1.createElement("movable");
// Try to append to another document's element
// This causes an error! Incorrect document!
As you can see here, one of JDOM’s core features is simplifying the way you create and modify documents.
Creating an Element
Every JDOM Document
should contain, at a minimum, a root Element
. Each Element
, in turn, can contain as few or as many child elements as needed to represent the data in the XML document. The root Element
can be passed to a Document
at the time it’s created, as we showed earlier:
Element root = new Element("myRootElement");
Document doc = new Document(root);
To change a Document
‘s root Element
, you call setRootElement(Element element)
on the Document
Element newRoot = new Element("myNewRootElement");
The constructor for org.jdom.Element
takes the Element
‘s string name and can optionally take information about the Element
‘s namespace (which we will discuss later). This name is checked against XML 1.0 specification requirements for element naming; if the name is illegal, an IllegalNameException
is thrown. To avoid having to look out for exceptions every time an Element
is created, IllegalNameException
extends IllegalArgumentException
— a runtime exception. Thus, you don’t have to take any special actions when creating a new Element
since JDOM will ensure only legal XML names are used. For example:
// This code will throw an IllegalNameException at runtime.
Element badElement = new Element("*(foo)");
That validation is handled by the org.jdom.Verifier
class, which contains rules for all aspects of XML syntax. Applications can also use that class directly to ensure that a supplied name, such as in an XML editor, is correct before usage.
s without children most typically contain textual content. That content looks like this in XML:
<elementName>Here is some textual content</elementName>
In Part 1, we discussed that you can retrieve that text content with getText()
String textualContent = element.getText();
That content can also be set through setText(String text)
element.setText("My textual content");
JDOM simplifies the handling of special characters such as &, , ‘, and ” by dealing with them automatically. Simply set the content, using the raw string value and, upon output, the XMLOutputter
class will automatically convert them to the proper XML entities that represent those characters. Of course, all builders will automatically convert them back to their traditional string values. To demonstrate, the following is perfectly legal in JDOM:
element.setText("Save in <TOMCAT_HOME>/conf");
The brackets will be automatically converted to entity references when outputted through XMLOutputter
Save in <TOMCAT_HOME>/conf
Making kids
s often have child elements. To add a child to an element, you can use the addContent(Element element)
// Create a parent and two kids
Element parent = new Element("parent");
Element child1 = new Element("firstChild").setText("I'm number one");
Element child2 = new Element("secondChild").setText("I'm number two");
// Add the kids
The resulting XML would look like:
<firstChild>I'm number one</firstChild>
<secondChild>I'm number two</secondChild>
JDOM also supports a nesting shortcut, based on a design that may be familiar to users of other APIs such as BEA/WebLogic’s htmlKona package and the Java Apache Element Construction Set (ECS). The idea is that operations on an Element
return that Element
for further manipulation:
Document doc = new Document(
new Element("family")
.addContent(new Element("mom"))
.addContent(new Element("dad")
Just be careful: It’s the parenthesis location, not the indention, that determines the family tree. While that is handy in some cases, it may be confusing and error prone when constructing large JDOM Document
s. If you don’t want to use that feature, just ignore the returned value.
Because elements are constructed without factories, you can easily subclass the Element
class, allowing for customizable elements as well as template elements. For example, if every XML document should have a common footer, you can construct that footer as a FooterElement
root.addContent(new FooterElement());
Its contents might be something like this:
JavaWorld 2000
You could write the FooterElement
class like this:
public class FooterElement extends Element {
public FooterElement() {
addContent("copyright").setText("JavaWorld 2000");
When the Element
is created, it automatically adds its child elements and all their content. You can expand that idea to construct a general template for copyrights using an additional constructor:
public FooterElement(int copyrightYear) {
addContent("copyright").setText("JavaWorld " + copyrightYear);
Next year, you could then use it as follows:
root.addContent(new FooterElement(2001));
Managing the population
In Part 1, we showed you how to get an Element
‘s children as a Java List
List children = element.getChildren();
What’s exciting is that the returned list of children is live and can be used to directly manage the children — any changes to the list affect the actual children of the element. By leveraging the Java Collections API, JDOM lets the programmer change the document, using an API that is well understood by developers, making manipulations easy to understand and learn. The following code demonstrates a few things you can do with the returned List
List children = element.getChildren();
// Remove the third child
// Remove all children named "jack"
// Add a new child
children.add(new Element("jane"));
// Add a new child in the second position
children.add(1, new Element("second"));
Of course, for common tasks there are convenience methods that don’t require List
// A non-List way to remove children named "jack"
// A non-List way to add a new child
element.addContent(new Element("jane"));
Setting element attributes
Manipulating element attributes is even simpler than manipulating children because attributes always have a single textual value. JDOM provides basic methods to add and remove Attribute
s to and from a JDOM Element
table.addAttribute("vspace", "0");
Additionally, you can construct an Attribute
directly and add the Attribute
object to the Element
through an overloaded addAttribute()
element.addAttribute(new Attribute("align", "right"));
Constructing an Attribute
such as that makes most sense when the Attribute
needs to be placed in a namespace, which we cover in the next section.
Similar to handling child elements, you can obtain the attributes of an Element
in a Java List
through the getAttributes()
// Get all attributes
List attributes = element.getAttributes();
// Remove all attributes
Also similar to Element
s, the Attribute
constructors will ensure that correct naming is used and throw IllegalNameException
when an invalid name is supplied:
// This will throw a runtime exception, IllegalNameException
Attribute illegalAttribute = new Attribute("");
Working with Namespaces
XML Namespaces are a way of giving an XML name two dimensions. For example, consider an ambiguous element name such as table — it could mean a table on which you eat, an HTML table, or a data table as in a spreadsheet. That confusion is caused by the one dimension of information. Additionally, you couldn’t use two elements named table in the same document to mean different things — you would have a namespace collision. However, the XML Namespaces recommendation aims to solve that by providing an additional dimension. If you knew that the second dimension of an element was furniture, it would be easy to understand what table means. That is represented in XML by prefacing the element name with another name (a namespace prefix) and separating the two dimensions with a colon:
<furniture:table />
That prefix then maps to a URI, which is the actual unique identifier, usually identified in the root element of an XML document, using an xmlns
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<root xmlns:furniture="
<furniture:cushion available="yes" xlink:href="
In JDOM, the org.jdom.Namespace
class represents an XML Namespace. You can obtain a namespace through that class by supplying the URI and a prefix to map to that URI:
Namespace furniture =
Namespace.getNamespace("furniture", ");
Namespace xlink =
Namespace.getNamespace("xlink", "
The Namespace.getNamespace()
method ensures that each request for the same prefix/URI Namespace
returns the exact same Namespace
object, allowing faster output because namespace comparisons can use the very fast (==) equality check. The Namespace
object is passed to the constructor of an Element
or Attribute
Element table = new Element("table", furniture);
Attribute href = new Attribute("href", " xlink);
The various JDOM output classes automatically add the required namespace declarations and prefixes to Element
s. It’s a relatively simple design, created after weeks of debate on the jdom-interest list to find the right compromise between simplicity, speed, and power.
In addition to the version of getNamespace()
that takes a namespace prefix and URI, there is a version that takes a simple namespace URI. That provides a means to assign JDOM Element
s to a default namespace, which has no prefix:
Namespace javaworldNS = Namespace.getNamespace("
Element myElement = new Element("article", javaworldNS);
myElement.addContent(new Element("title")
.setText("Easy Java/XML integration with JDOM"));
That results in the following output:
<article xmlns="
<title>Easy Java/XML integration with JDOM</title>
To handle namespaces, the removeChildren()
and removeAttribute()
methods also have overloaded versions that accept a Namespace
object as an additional argument:
element.removeChildren("img", xhtml);
element.removeAttribute("width", xlink);
Because each Element
and Attribute
has a reference to its Namespace
, you can easily move those elements and attributes from one Document
to another without having to worry about moving their Namespace
s. That eliminates the possibility that an XML construct would lose its Namespace
in transit.
One last note about namespaces: Because JDOM does namespace handling internally, JDOM supports namespaces and validation (with a DTD) at the same time. With other APIs, that isn’t possible.
Providing Processing Instructions
XML Processing Instructions (often simply called PIs) are directives that are included in an XML document. They are intended for use by processing applications to help in special processing of an XML document. In a document, they look like this:
<?cocoon-process type="xslt"?>
<?format-names %s//%gn?>
The processing instructions are split into two pieces of information: the target and the data. The target is the keyword that appears first in the PI, which in the examples above would be cocoon-process
and format-names
. The data is the rest of the data contained, complete with spaces and other text. The data in the first example PI is type="xslt"
and in the second, it is %s//%gn
In JDOM, the org.jdom.ProcessingInstruction
class represents XML PIs. You can construct a PI with target and data strings:
ProcessingInstruction pi =
new ProcessingInstruction("cocoon-process", "type="xslt"");
Additionally, JDOM takes advantage of the fact that the PI’s data is often formatted as name/value pairs, as in the first example (where the name is type and the value is xslt). Because that is so common, you can construct PIs with a target and a Java Map
object that contains the name/value pairs:
Map pairs = new HashMap();
pairs.put("type", "xslt");
ProcessingInstruction pi =
new ProcessingInstruction("cocoon-process", pairs);
That makes constructing multiple name/value pairs a piece of cake, especially when the value comes from an outside source. For example, consider the following PI:
<?message-format type="XML-RPC" format="XML" encoding="UTF8" length="256"?>
You can create that PI by using the following code:
Map pairs = new HashMap();
pairs.put("type", "XML-RPC");
pairs.put("format", "XML");
pairs.put("encoding", encoding); // variable substitution
pairs.put("length", length); // variable substitution
ProcessingInstruction message =
new ProcessingInstruction("message-format", pairs);
PIs are most often added to an XML document’s document level, but you can place them anywhere within the document:
ProcessingInstruction pi =
new ProcessingInstruction("cocoon-process", "type="xslt"");
Element root = new Element("root");
Document doc = new Document(root);
// Add to the document
// Add under an element
root.addContent(new ProcessingInstruction("myPI", "myData");)
Notice that PIs are added to an Element
by using the addContent()
method, the same method name that allowed the addition of child elements. That overloading lets you simply add any type of legal JDOM construct to an Element
You can remove PIs by following the same pattern, through providing a ProcessingInstruction
object or a target name to remove:
// Remove PI
// Remove PI with given target name
Additionally, if there are multiple PIs with the same target at the document level, you can remove all of them with the following convenience method:
// Remove all with given target name
As with the other JDOM constructs, trying to create a PI with an illegal or invalid target will result in an IllegalNameException
// This will cause a runtime exception
ProcessingInstruction badPI =
new ProcessingInstruction("$foo", "not legal name!");
declaration in XML lets an XML document reference a DTD and specify that the DTD should be used to validate the document (if validation is requested). DOCTYPE
declarations must contain several pieces of data: the root element being constrained (generally the root element of the XML document itself), an optional public ID, specifying the name of the DTD to reference (where the name is a standard name defined by the W3C), and a system ID, specifying how to locate the DTD if resolution of the public ID fails. All together, a common DOCTYPE
declaration looks like the following example, which specifies the DTD to be used as the XHTML DTD:
"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
In that case, html
is the root element being constrained, the public ID is "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
, and the system ID is ""
. In that example, the system ID is a URI, which would require network access for resolution. The system ID could also reference a local file on the filesystem:
"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
Those declarations are represented in JDOM by the org.jdom.DocType
class. Because many portions of the declaration are optional, there are several versions of the constructor. First, all three pieces of information can be given:
DocType xhtml = new DocType("html",
"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN",
In the case where no public identifier is provided, the following constructor would work:
xhtml = new DocType("html",
Once constructed, you can add the DocType
to a JDOM Document
through the setDocType(DocType docType)
JDOM currently does not support validating the document in memory, although it might at a later time.
Comments anyone?
As in most languages, XML allows the document author to insert comments into his or her document that are ignored by XML parsers and processors. XML comments are text surrounded by to the right:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- Comments can be at the document level -->
<!-- Comments can be within elements as well -->
<placeholder />
In JDOM, comments are represented by the org.jdom.Comment
class. You can construct a comment with a simple string of text:
Comment comment = new Comment("I would have lots of content here");
A comment cannot contain text with a double hyphen sequence (“–“), so when a comment is created, the Verifier
class checks it and throws an IllegalDataException
if the comment is invalid (IllegalDataException
is like IllegalNameException
, and extends IllegalArgumentException
// This will throw a runtime exception
Comment badComment = new Comment("This --> will never work!");
The Element
class has methods that allow comment manipulation:
// Add a comment
root.addContent(new Comment("Anything but double dashes"));
The Document
class has similar methods specifically for Comment
doc.addComment(new Comment("This is a document level comment"));
Mixed content
In Part 1, we described the concept of “mixed content” of an Element
. That is content that contains more than just text, and when obtained from an Element
through the getMixedContent()
method, the resulting List
may contain text (String
s), Element
s, ProcessingInstruction
s, Comment
s, and Entities
. In other words, that method returns all content from an Element
, regardless of type.
At times, you may need to set an Element
‘s content as a list of mixed content.
For example, imagine you need to move all the children of one Element
to another Element
// Get the mixed content
List mixed = oldElement.getMixedContent();
// Remove it all from the old Element
for (Iterator i = mixed.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
// Add it to the new Element - this is easier than iterating through again
Fibonacci: Mixing the old and the new
Realistic JDOM use cases are too long to print in this article, but below is a short example program that demonstrates several of the features discussed in this series. It’s the classic fibonacci series generator with a modern XML twist. It creates an XML output file that looks like the following:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<fibonacci index="0">0</fibonacci>
<fibonacci index="1">1</fibonacci>
<fibonacci index="2">1</fibonacci>
<fibonacci index="3">2</fibonacci>
<fibonacci index="4">3</fibonacci>
<fibonacci index="5">5</fibonacci>
<fibonacci index="6">8</fibonacci>
<fibonacci index="7">13</fibonacci>
<fibonacci index="8">21</fibonacci>
<fibonacci index="9">34</fibonacci>
<fibonacci index="10">55</fibonacci>
<fibonacci index="11">89</fibonacci>
<fibonacci index="12">144</fibonacci>
<fibonacci index="13">233</fibonacci>
<fibonacci index="14">377</fibonacci>
<fibonacci index="15">610</fibonacci>
<fibonacci index="16">987</fibonacci>
<fibonacci index="17">1597</fibonacci>
<fibonacci index="18">2584</fibonacci>
<fibonacci index="19">4181</fibonacci>
<fibonacci index="20">6765</fibonacci>
<fibonacci index="21">10946</fibonacci>
<fibonacci index="22">17711</fibonacci>
<fibonacci index="23">28657</fibonacci>
<fibonacci index="24">46368</fibonacci>
<fibonacci index="25">75025</fibonacci>
The above code is based on an example written by Elliotte Rusty Harold, author of The XML Bible (IDG Books, July 1999), in an XML DevCon presentation (see Resources). It constructs a root element named Fibonacci_Numbers
, then adds child elements named fibonacci
— each with an index
attribute and corresponding content value. After the document is constructed, it’s written to a file named “fibonacci.xml” using the standard XMLOutputter
. If any exceptions are encountered, they’re printed to standard error.
import org.jdom.Element;
import org.jdom.Document;
import org.jdom.output.XMLOutputter;
import java.math.BigInteger;
public class FibonacciJDOM {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Element root = new Element("Fibonacci_Numbers");
BigInteger low = BigInteger.ZERO;
BigInteger high = BigInteger.ONE;
for (int i = 0; i <= 25; i++) {
Element fibonacci = new Element("fibonacci");
fibonacci.addAttribute("index", String.valueOf(i));
BigInteger temp = high;
high = high.add(low);
low = temp;
Document doc = new Document(root);
// serialize it into a file
try {
FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream("fibonacci.xml");
XMLOutputter serializer = new XMLOutputter();
serializer.output(doc, out);
catch (IOException e) {
If you’re interested in learning how to write this program using DOM, we recommend you read Harold’s presentation, which includes that program as well as several others.
Final words
At this point, you should be ready to tackle the world…or at least the part that can be represented in XML. Hopefully you have seen that JDOM’s simplicity can greatly aid you in getting your XML-related tasks done easily and efficiently, without resorting to APIs that weren’t written for the Java developer. JDOM is about making XML accessible to all Java developers rather than an elite few. Additionally, the JDOM community is adding more functionality every day, and JDOM 1.0 looks to have support for XSL transformations in an early form, and the 1.1 API will have XPath support — both in the intuitive, easy-to-use fashion that the rest of the API is built upon. So check out JDOM today, and have fun!