Study guide: Exceptions to the programming rules, Part 1

Brush up on Java terms, learn tips and cautions, review homework assignments, and read Jeff’s answers to student questions

Glossary of terms

error code testing
The use of program instructions (such as if statements) to examine return values (to see if they represent error codes).
error codes
Failure values that functions return.
A divergence from a normal execution flow to an abnormal execution flow.

Tips and cautions

These tips and cautions will help you write better programs and save you from agonizing over why the compiler produces error messages.


  • If you plan to migrate C++ code to Java, spend some time comparing and contrasting their respective throw-object/catch-object exception-handling techniques. Understanding the differences between those techniques will save you time during the migration.


  • Once a catch clause completes, execution does not automatically return to the try block from where the exception object was thrown — because the try block is no longer in scope. Instead, execution continues with the first statement after the catch clause. Suppose you have code that must always execute (whether or not an exception occurs). If that code appears in the same try block as code that throws an exception, and if the “must-always-execute” code follows the code that throws an exception, the must-always-execute code will not execute should an exception be thrown. This holds true for both C++ and Java.

Miscellaneous notes and thoughts

It has been brought to my attention that some C++ compilers, such as Microsoft’s Visual C++ compilers, make it possible to handle flawed code exceptions. If you have a C++ compiler, please consult your compiler’s documentation to see if that is true for you.”


Please answer the following question:

  • In the article’s excdemo C++ source code and ExcDemo Java source code, why did I not combine, in the same try block, the code that pops integer values from the stack with the code that pushes integer values onto the stack?

Answers to last month’s homework

Last month, I gave you three questions. Here are those questions and my answers (in red):

  • How do you access a shadowed variable from within a nested top-level class?
  • Prefix the shadowed variable name with the name of the class in which that name appears. The following ShadowAccessDemo source code demonstrates:


    class ShadowAccessDemo
       static int field = 1;
       static class NestedTopLevelClass
          static int field = 2;
          static class NestedNestedTopLevelClass
             static int field = 3;
                System.out.println ("NestedNestedTopLevelClass's field = "
                                    + field);
                System.out.println ("NestedTopLevelClass's field = "
                                    + NestedTopLevelClass.field);
                System.out.println ("ShadowAccessDemo's field = "
                                    + ShadowAccessDemo.field);
       public static void main (String [] args)
          ShadowAccessDemo.NestedTopLevelClass.NestedNestedTopLevelClass x;
          x = new ShadowAccessDemo.NestedTopLevelClass
                                  .NestedNestedTopLevelClass ();

    When run, ShadowAccessDemo produces the following output:

    NestedNestedTopLevelClass's field = 3
    NestedTopLevelClass's field = 2
    ShadowAccessDemo's field = 1
  • Create an anonymous inner class from nothing more than an interface.
  • The following ClassFromInterface source code demonstrates:


    interface OpenClose
       void open ();
       void close ();
    class ClassFromInterface
       public static void main (String [] args)
          OpenClose oc = new OpenClose ()
                             public void open ()
                                System.out.println ("Opening whatever");
                             public void close ()
                                System.out.println ("Closing whatever");
          oc.close ();

    Interpret new OpenClose () as “create an object from an anonymous subclass of an anonymous class that implements the OpenClose interface.” When run, ClassFromInterface produces the following output:

    Opening whatever
    Closing whatever
  • Can interfaces nest within classes?
  • Yes. The following NestedInterfaceInClass source code demonstrates:


    class A
       interface OpenClose
          void open ();
          void close ();
    class NestedInterfaceInClass
       public static void main (String [] args)
          A.OpenClose aoc = new A.OpenClose ()
                                public void open ()
                                   System.out.println ("Opening...");
                                public void close ()
                                   System.out.println ("Closing...");
          aoc.close ();

    When run, NestedInterfaceInClass produces the following output:

