Welcome to the RouterFreak.com sample CCENT certification series. This module is the second video in the series of sample videos for Router Freak members.
Full length versions of these videos can be found in the upcoming new CCENT Video eCourse.
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What is a Network?
In this module we ask the question “What is a Network?” We review the different components used in a network as well as look at several different types of network designs you can have. This module is designed be part of the introductory lesson plan to help new engineers attain their Cisco Certified Entry Networking Technician (CCENT) Certification..
The lessons associated with the ICND1 test to help you get your CCENT certification.
These upcoming sample lessons also include:
- Introduction to CCENT
- Understanding the OSI Model
- Introduction to TCP/IP
- TCP and UDP Funcamentals
- What are Ports Numbers
- Introduction to Ethernet
- What is a Switch?
- Switch Security Fundamentals
- Troubleshooting Switching Networks
- Fundamentals of Wireless Networking
- Implementing Wireless Security
So now lets begin this first video lesson – Introduction to CCENT
We hope you enjoy the video lesson and we look forward to seeing you enjoy more videos like this one in the weeks to come.