Warning! Threading in a multiprocessor world

Warning! Threading in a multiprocessor world

Find out why many tricks to avoid synchronization overhead just don’t work I had intended this month to carry on with presenting a caching class loader — that was the whole point of the zip-file access classes I presented in…

Java Product News (February 9, 2001)

TCAT/C-C++ and TCAT/Java increase runtime Software Research has released Version 3.1 of Test Coverage Analysis Tools TCAT/C-C++ and TCAT The new version offers improved runtime and includes a new all paths generator (APG). The APG calculates the total number of…

Imaginations run wild with Java Lego robots

Imaginations run wild with Java Lego robots

Learn to program the ultimate geek toy — Lego Mindstorms — in Java The Lego Mindstorms Robotics Invention System (RIS) is a kit for building Lego robots. It includes two motors, two touch sensors, one light sensor, more than 700…

Double-checked locking: Clever, but broken

Do you know what synchronized <em>really</em> means? From the highly regarded Elements of Java Style to the pages of JavaWorld (see Java Tip 67), many well-meaning Java gurus encourage the use of the double-checked locking (DCL) idiom. There’s only one…

Add the power of asynchronous processing to your JSPs

Add the power of asynchronous processing to your JSPs

Create custom JSP tags to use with JMS Most JavaServer Pages (JSP) developers that I’ve worked with love JSP because it’s easy to use and a powerful way to design flexible Webpages. As passionate Web designers, most JSP developers are…

Sun answers Microsoft with Net services push

J2EE, XML occupy the core of the Sun ONE initiative February 6, 2001 — In a move that appears aimed squarely at Microsoft Corp.’s .Net Internet initiative, Sun Microsystems Inc. on Monday unveiled the Sun Open Net Environment (Sun ONE),…

Learn Java from Ben Franklin

Write better Java code using Franklin’s learning techniques In his autobiography (see Resources for a link), Ben Franklin describes how he worked to improve his writing. Franklin found prose he judged to be excellent, wrote a short encapsulation of each…

Java Product News (February 2, 2001)

Code errors can’t hide from JProbe JProbe Integration Portal for the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE), Sitraka’s new toolkit for building high-performance, reliable client and server-side applications, helps developers diagnose and eliminate code errors and inefficiencies. The JProbe Integration…

Java: It’s a good thing

Why Java isn’t slow, ugly, or irrelevant Simson Garfinkel gives Java advocates plenty of things to talk about in his intriguing article “Java: Slow, Ugly, and Irrelevant” (Salon, January 2001). As a fan of Java, I felt compelled to formulate…