Category General

Building a Java servlet framework using reflection, Part 2

Gain greater functionality with less code using these reflective code samples When most developers see the word framework in this article’s title, they will immediately become skeptical. I have read numerous articles that purport to describe the one-and-only best solution…

Process XML with JavaBeans, Part 3

Process XML with JavaBeans, Part 3

Simplify XML processing with XMLConvenience Beans This final article in the XML JavaBeans series builds on the previous two parts. Part 1 discussed nonvisual JavaBeans that parse XML documents into DOM trees, and Part 2 explained how Integrated Development Environments…

Make room for JavaSpaces, Part 2

Make room for JavaSpaces, Part 2

Build a compute server with JavaSpaces I’ve just returned from the second Jini Community Summit, where Ken Arnold and I led a birds-of-a-feather session on JavaSpaces. This encouraging meeting highlighted a number of interesting JavaSpaces applications, including Bill Olivier’s JavaSpaces-based…

Server-side Java: Counting tiers – one, two, or n?

How many tiers does your application architecture need? I hate articles that make you wade through mountains of text before getting to the point. Accordingly, here is a chart summarizing the pros and cons of different architectures for distributed applications…

Build an object database

Build an object database

Construct a frontend to translate between Java objects and relational database records One of the great strengths of Java is its ability to automate tedious programming tasks. For example, in the realm of I/O, object serialization automates the encoding of…

Java Tip 85: Fun and games with JFileChooser

Java Tip 85: Fun and games with JFileChooser

Using the cross-platform JFileChooser class The JFileChooser dialog class is one of the most useful classes that Swing provides. It allows users to choose either a single file or multiple files that match specified file filters. It provides Java programs…